Corium closing doors - Rumor

This is so stupid. What sources? You make 83 million and just shut it down? What clown would do that?
Cool aid drinker
There is no way that they are making any money even if that $83M figure you spew is correct. Face it, this pathetic so called management team has no fucking clue how to launch a product. Remember, PS and the Head, didn’t launch Vyvanse.

Cool aid drinker
There is no way that they are making any money even if that $83M figure you spew is correct. Face it, this pathetic so called management team has no fucking clue how to launch a product. Remember, PS and the Head, didn’t launch Vyvanse.

Your response made my point. You are just spreading rumors and don’t have any “sources”. You’re just bitter because you probably can’t sell and you rode the coattails of the success of an amphetamine with great MHC coverage and the longest duration at the time.