Coordinating Care Case Study


In the reviewed case study, the rapid advances in Health Information Technology are highlighted. Specifically, the widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHR). “Their suitability for ‘big data’ analysis make EHR data immensely valuable for secondary research, which could help scientists develop new drugs, medical devices, and public health knowledge.” (Enriquez-Sarano, 2020). The case study discusses a women’s healthcare team from Scarborough, Maine that makes an effort to implement an electronic health records system that includes among other applications the capability to integrate with the Health Information Exchange (HIE). This study has pointed out how significant and beneficial implementing an electronic health record system will be to patients. This implementation will also lower cost for the practice, and for the entire state by achieving a national goal of improving the health of the general public and “reducing health disparities.” (CDC)

The HIE is a data base that maintains one health care record for each patient but allows providers from different practices and specialties to document their encounters and integrate each record with one system, the health information exchange. One of the major benefits of using the HIE, is the ability to exchange key clinical information like the patient’s diagnosis or problem. Using the HIE increases communication among providers in order “to better coordinate patient care.” ( Another benefit was the increase in the percentage of patients’ having their medication reconciled. Using the e-prescribing software, the clinician can access a pharmacy database and simply confirm with the patient if it is correct.

The women’s health care practice in this case study worked closely with the system’s vendor, Greenway. The vendor assisted the team of clinicians in tracking their progress to achieve the meaningful use measures and connecting with the HIE. “Meaningful Use was defined by the use of certified EHR technology in a meaningful manner (for example electronic prescribing); ensuring that the certified EHR technology connects in a manner that provides for the electronic exchange of health information to improve the quality of care.” (CDC)

The alternative to using EHR and HIE would be the old conventional way of having providers communicate with each other by telephone to discuss the patient’s health, problems and treatments. This is very slow and using an EHR and integrated system speeds things up drastically. The amount of time saved can be the difference literally whether a patient lives or dies. However, like any new practice being introduced into an organization there will be some challenges. One challenge this small practice was concerned about was losing creativity after the systems are robotized and clinicians are following algorithms.

These practices have partially been applied within my organization. The hospital uses an EHR and all providers within the system, even in different campuses, are able to share notes, encounters, problems, allergies and medications. The EHR does not connect to a system shared by the entire state though. Being able to share information with providers outside of the VA system would be very helpful for patient care coordination as opposed to waiting for outside practices to fax pages of records.


§ CDC.GOV, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services

§ Enriquez-Sarano, L. (2020, December). Data-Rich and knowledge-poor: How privacy law privatized medical data and what to do about it. Columbia Law Review, 120(8), p2319-2357.
