The "Family" concept is a huge facade meant to lure and retain gullible individuals. Cook is a for-profit company and at the end of the day is only worried about the bottom line, as they should be. The biggest issue with Cook is they groom their employees for their way of business. Either get out early or stay forever, because if you look to come into Cook later in your career you will be overqualified and underpaid. And, if you leave Cook too late in your career, you will be far under-prepared for the real world, possibly with a management role you didn't truly deserve.
Cook management is too stubborn to look outside the Bloomington bubble at what is really going on in the world and on the streets. Most companies respect employees enough to pay them competitively and let them gain experiences elsewhere if wanted, welcoming them back if they were valuable, because they may have more to bring to the table. Look at Intel, Google, GE, Accenture, ect....
Instead, Cook would rather turn good employees, burning $$$$ on new hires and training, and never look back at what they are missing. Would I go back to Cook if I could expect reasonable pay for the work I was doing? Sure. Hell, you don't even have to pay me what I'm making now, but at least bridge the gap. But the reality is Cook would much rather never talk to me again and hire some inexperienced fool for $70k a year who will leave right when they are starting to truly understand the products, procedures, and industry.