Contract Unemployment Question


So, say that you were told that you would be "rolled into the Company" after the contract expires. Then for some reason you are not "rolled into the Company" when the contract expires, are you still eligible to collect Unemployment, or does the whole "Contract" thing disqualify you?

You get unemployment the contract has nothing to do with unemployment this happened to me and yes I received unemployment when you loose your job all is the same....

Contract ends. Next day no sampling. Within week return everything. Move on. Do you really thnk people would be out working knowing they are gone in a month? Like anyone is working now with the June contract exp. date approaching. What an uplifting town hall meeting that was. So much for company showing appreaction for hard work or that you bring any value. Might get lucky afterall stock price is at a 52 week high. Pfizer reps will take credit but is that really where the value is?

Contract ends. Next day no sampling. Within week return everything. Move on. Do you really thnk people would be out working knowing they are gone in a month? Like anyone is working now with the June contract exp. date approaching. What an uplifting town hall meeting that was. So much for company showing appreaction for hard work or that you bring any value. Might get lucky afterall stock price is at a 52 week high. Pfizer reps will take credit but is that really where the value is?

Smart post. True post.

We are going to be toast. But, I could care less. Going to take my 113 weeks of Unemployment and be picky as hell.