Contract Sales Reps for Vaccine Sales force?

Because it's the wave of the future. Cheap labor with an iPad - get the message out without them needing to open their mouths and say the wrong thing. No doubt they'll be young and hot.

Im hearing rumblings that Novartis is hiring contracted reps to handle some vaccine sales opportunities. Any idea why this is?

Novartis took a gamble that they could take the market by storm by luring away a bunch of GSK, Merck and Sanofi vaccine reps and leveraging their relationships to convert the market. Not a bad strategy but it's had limited success....and now they are stuck paying all of their vaccine reps 10-20% more than GSK, Merck and Sanofi. So, they have premium salary expenses and, by this point in the Menveo launch, they've already garnered all the potential benefit out of any of the personal relationships individual reps may have why not dump them for something cheaper? Isn't a large portion of the sales force on a PIP anyway? Some good all their experience has done.

Novartis took a gamble that they could take the market by storm by luring away a bunch of GSK, Merck and Sanofi vaccine reps and leveraging their relationships to convert the market. Not a bad strategy but it's had limited success....and now they are stuck paying all of their vaccine reps 10-20% more than GSK, Merck and Sanofi. So, they have premium salary expenses and, by this point in the Menveo launch, they've already garnered all the potential benefit out of any of the personal relationships individual reps may have why not dump them for something cheaper? Isn't a large portion of the sales force on a PIP anyway? Some good all their experience has done.

Who are they using for the contract company?

Novartis took a gamble that they could take the market by storm by luring away a bunch of GSK, Merck and Sanofi vaccine reps and leveraging their relationships to convert the market. Not a bad strategy but it's had limited success....and now they are stuck paying all of their vaccine reps 10-20% more than GSK, Merck and Sanofi. So, they have premium salary expenses and, by this point in the Menveo launch, they've already garnered all the potential benefit out of any of the personal relationships individual reps may have why not dump them for something cheaper? Isn't a large portion of the sales force on a PIP anyway? Some good all their experience has done.

so true, any personal relationship is obsolete within about a year because any decent rep can get up to speed in about that time and develop his or her own special relationship. novartis did this brilliantly because they could use the relationship of reps for the first year or two post launch. that gets the product off the ground until better age indications and clinical studies can help the product better sell itself.
then you contract it out and form corporate partnerships with other companies (gsk?), wait around for good inidications/recommendations from cdc/fda and what will come will come. paying contract reps will save a company at least 30% plus contract reps can be motivated to work extra hard for the promise of a permanent position some day.

No contract reps never roll over they just b.s them. question is why hire contract reps sounds like you need to land contracts before sending extra reps in the field. Is Sanofi kicking your butts or what??

No contract reps never roll over they just b.s them. question is why hire contract reps sounds like you need to land contracts before sending extra reps in the field. Is Sanofi kicking your butts or what??

What is up with the contract reps, don't they think we can do our jobs. what areas are they going to put the reps in??