Contract Positions


I am about to interview for a contract position in NS division. Do these positions actually last the anticipated two years. Are benefits like a permanent position? Any possibility to get into a permanent job? Any information would be appreciated.

I am about to interview for a contract position in NS division. Do these positions actually last the anticipated two years. Are benefits like a permanent position? Any possibility to get into a permanent job? Any information would be appreciated.

Do your homework. Which two patents expiring during the next two years account for almost 80% of Eli Lilly and Company's revenues? What dividend pay out must Lilly make annually to keep it's stock price at it's current level?

You have 5 minutes to do your homework, or make the worst decision of your life. Your call.

Ok. The job will not likely go permanent but will it last 2 years? Would like to know as I an currently unemployed and a 2 year contract better than nothing.

Think twice. Do a search for "bad job worse than unemployment for mental health" ... unless you want to fork over a huge co-pay for Cymbalta, don't work here.

These temp-jobs are sub-standard. It's Lilly's way of having an an employee a your expense. I'd pass. Hold out for a real job elsewhere.

I have been told that Lilly would not spend all that money on FDE employees unless they planned on rolling them over to full time. I am taking a 20K salary cut to do this ...... because I was told I could retire here. Thinking it will be less stressful than hospital sales. I am most likely going to do it if I get the offer.

I have been told that Lilly would not spend all that money on FDE employees unless they planned on rolling them over to full time. I am taking a 20K salary cut to do this ...... because I was told I could retire here. Thinking it will be less stressful than hospital sales. I am most likely going to do it if I get the offer.

I am sorry. You will be too.

I have been told that Lilly would not spend all that money on FDE employees unless they planned on rolling them over to full time. I am taking a 20K salary cut to do this ...... because I was told I could retire here. Thinking it will be less stressful than hospital sales. I am most likely going to do it if I get the offer.

You are being lied to. I was an FDE.

I have been told that Lilly would not spend all that money on FDE employees unless they planned on rolling them over to full time. I am taking a 20K salary cut to do this ...... because I was told I could retire here. Thinking it will be less stressful than hospital sales. I am most likely going to do it if I get the offer.

Why not just give you a real job in the first place then?

I am about to interview for a contract position in NS division. Do these positions actually last the anticipated two years. Are benefits like a permanent position? Any possibility to get into a permanent job? Any information would be appreciated.

Yes, the position lasts stipulated contract time. However, read the contract carefully. It may have (or not) clause for premature termination if the supervisor leaves. Do your two year grunt work..atleast you have chance for a job that your interviewing boss may not.

I have been told that Lilly would not spend all that money on FDE employees unless they planned on rolling them over to full time. I am taking a 20K salary cut to do this ...... because I was told I could retire here. Thinking it will be less stressful than hospital sales. I am most likely going to do it if I get the offer.

Are you absolutely off your rocker??? You are nuts, crazy, stupid. I guess you got SOLD by the hiring manager.

You are being lied to. I was an FDE.
What happened at the end of the contract? Did they not let you interview like they are promising me? (3 months prior to it ending?). It can take a year or 2 to get a job...especially if you are I am getting scared. are you currently unemployed? I would lose my house.

You can count on only one thing with this. The first paycheck you get. Beyond that there is absolutely no guarantee to be had with anything. If you are somehow planning your financial security on the "chance" you might 1) make it to 2 years, and 2) somehow get hired permanent full time after that despite the fact that they need to continue to do a head count reduction up to 5,000, you missed the facts or weren't provided them while the manager gave you some song and dance rah rah song. To place any faith in the security of this is really a poor decision.

What happened at the end of the contract? Did they not let you interview like they are promising me? (3 months prior to it ending?). It can take a year or 2 to get a job...especially if you are I am getting scared. are you currently unemployed? I would lose my house.

When my contract ended, that was that. There WERE no jobs to be had. If anyone is telling you anything that makes you hopeful that there may be a job for you at the end... they are deceiving you. Like the other poster noted.... with thousands of layoffs someone is trying to tell you that there might be a job down the line!???

Do yourself a big favor and don't get involved with this nonsense. Especially if you have a house to pay for. These positions are a very bad idea (for the employee). It was a very, VERY bad idea for me. Don't make the mistake I did. Get a real job somewhere else. You deserve better than a sub-standard temp position.