Contact lens division


what a joke this place is. Wow! From executive team down to the managers. Changing the message weekly, trying to give ultra away and no one wants it, sales force all in the red.

There is a reason the top 4 people make 95% of the money at this pathetic company. They can't forecast the business, they have no clue about leadership, and they really don't give a rats ass about you or the customer. Frat club rules.

Laughing stock in the market. The competition does not even care about us. We are always 6 steps behind. Yeah, let's push a monthly lens when the market is trending towards dailies. Makes sense. Not!!!!!!!!

Someone at the top will not make it much longer. We all know who that is!

How about GG in marketing, MM the boy wonder, and TS who was already pushed out of sales because he's never led any sales divisions in his entire career. A bunch of real winners we have over here. Vision care is pathetic.