Consolidation of four sites for Pharma


Pharma now has four major sites in the US.

ISTA California
Tampa Florida
New Jersey

One or more of the Pharma sites will likely be moved and consolidated to one of the other sites. My guess is that they keep ISTA in California and duplicate jobs in Rochester move to California. Rochester then becomes the center for Vision Care and if WP wants to sell it it is a clean sell (don't have to worry about what to do about the Pharma people).

ISTA probably has some nice research labs in California. My guess is that research moves to California, Clinical research stays in New Jersey ad manufacturing stays in Tampa.

The ISTA group is mainly

and Sales

If you are in one of these groups at B&L you should hope that the consolidation focuses the jobs at your location. If not you are going to have to scramble for a job at the new location of these functional areas. For Pharma at B&L the sooner these decisions are made the better as the good people will leave if the management is indecisive about how the structure of the new organization will look and where the headquarters for Pharma (center of the functional areas) will be. If management waffles a lot of good people will waffle out the door.