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Conservaturds steal from veterans


Conservaturd thugs set up a charity for Navy veterans, but stole the money and funneled it to conservaturd candidates, like Boner, McCain, McDonnell among others.
Aren't these the guys who are always wrapping themselves in the flag? boasting about their patriotism? Refusing any military spending cuts? Beating on their chickenshit chests?
And soon, the cut and paste novelist will be along to wring his/her bony, translucent skin hands, whine about liberals, and call the president a stupid name, as she/he tries to top the diminutive brainless ranting of failed mensas.


Conservaturd thugs set up a charity for Navy veterans, but stole the money and funneled it to conservaturd candidates, like Boner, McCain, McDonnell among others.
Aren't these the guys who are always wrapping themselves in the flag? boasting about their patriotism? Refusing any military spending cuts? Beating on their chickenshit chests?
And soon, the cut and paste novelist will be along to wring his/her bony, translucent skin hands, whine about liberals, and call the president a stupid name, as she/he tries to top the diminutive brainless ranting of failed mensas.


Hannity......don't forget the "great american" Sean Scammity and his get rich scheme off the backs of veterans too.


Its a pattern with these people.

The Judeo repubs will use the vets and religion for their own political and monetary gain. Old story Guys.

Conservaturd thugs set up a charity for Navy veterans, but stole the money and funneled it to conservaturd candidates, like Boner, McCain, McDonnell among others.
Aren't these the guys who are always wrapping themselves in the flag? boasting about their patriotism? Refusing any military spending cuts? Beating on their chickenshit chests?
And soon, the cut and paste novelist will be along to wring his/her bony, translucent skin hands, whine about liberals, and call the president a stupid name, as she/he tries to top the diminutive brainless ranting of failed mensas.


I thought they were the party of moral values?