Conservaturds run away from this


Cons usually love to cite the WSJ when an article or op-ed smacks Obama. But the conservaturd talking heads and RP's are curiously silent on this article. Same source cons love to quote, different analysis of the lies about spending. Gee the crickets are chirping.
Maybe the resident mensa candidates will be able to disprove the author with something besides blather, deflection, distortion and lies. Which is their stock in trade.

but...but....but.....Obama's reckless spending!! And he's a muslim kenyan socialist who hates america who wants us all to get gaymarried in ACORN offices.

Fox news is #1....Fox News is #1.......with IDIOTS!!

Now, let the crickets ring LOUD today.....I'll start....


Cons usually love to cite the WSJ when an article or op-ed smacks Obama. But the conservaturd talking heads and RP's are curiously silent on this article. Same source cons love to quote, different analysis of the lies about spending. Gee the crickets are chirping.
Maybe the resident mensa candidates will be able to disprove the author with something besides blather, deflection, distortion and lies. Which is their stock in trade.

Seriously? Rex Nutting? The guy that wants to abolish the US Senate?

Nutting's theory is based on faulty math. Every year, the base amount upon which the calculations are made becomes larger.

Using Nuttings reasoning, it can also be argued that there would have been a budget surplus in George Bush's presidency had it not been for Hurricane Katrina and 9/11. Bush, however, does not believe in shifting blame, like Obama does. How does it feel to be a tool for Obama's Marxist/Leninist agenda?

How could this be? Did Boy Blunder, aka (Mitt Romney) make a mistake? Or was it his lying Judeo republican advisers that steered him in the "right" direction. Stay tune. Same Judeo republican channel and time.

Bottom line is if you say it over and over again the lie becomes a truth. The same way Communism operates.

Cons usually love to cite the WSJ when an article or op-ed smacks Obama. But the conservaturd talking heads and RP's are curiously silent on this article. Same source cons love to quote, different analysis of the lies about spending. Gee the crickets are chirping.
Maybe the resident mensa candidates will be able to disprove the author with something besides blather, deflection, distortion and lies. Which is their stock in trade.

Jeez, the numb-nuts author (along with the Barry sycophants on this board) conveniently left out F.Y. 2014, when the Obama-care monstrosity takes full effect. Go back and try again you fucking Barry cheerleaders.

How could this be? Did Boy Blunder, aka (Mitt Romney) make a mistake? Or was it his lying Judeo republican advisers that steered him in the "right" direction. Stay tune. Same Judeo republican channel and time.

Bottom line is if you say it over and over again the lie becomes a truth. The same way Communism operates.

You've been schooled boy. Sadly for you, it's a wasted effort.

How could this be? Did Boy Blunder, aka (Mitt Romney) make a mistake? Or was it his lying Judeo republican advisers that steered him in the "right" direction. Stay tune. Same Judeo republican channel and time.

Bottom line is if you say it over and over again the lie becomes a truth. The same way Communism operates.

Your argument is a non-sequitor. Evidently you didn't read the OP's cite.

Seriously? Rex Nutting? The guy that wants to abolish the US Senate?

Nutting's theory is based on faulty math. Every year, the base amount upon which the calculations are made becomes larger.

Using Nuttings reasoning, it can also be argued that there would have been a budget surplus in George Bush's presidency had it not been for Hurricane Katrina and 9/11. Bush, however, does not believe in shifting blame, like Obama does. How does it feel to be a tool for Obama's Marxist/Leninist agenda?

The truth is that BUSH DID HAVE A SURPLUS. He promptly pissed it away with unneeded tax cuts, stupid wars and unpaid for social programs.
The shrub was the most economically ignorant failure to reside in the oval office in the last 100 years.

Seriously? Rex Nutting? The guy that wants to abolish the US Senate?

Nutting's theory is based on faulty math. Every year, the base amount upon which the calculations are made becomes larger.

Using Nuttings reasoning, it can also be argued that there would have been a budget surplus in George Bush's presidency had it not been for Hurricane Katrina and 9/11. Bush, however, does not believe in shifting blame, like Obama does. How does it feel to be a tool for Obama's Marxist/Leninist agenda?

Well then, who knew that Marxist Lenin agenda came so cheaply? Looks like its more fiscally conservative than who you clowns elected. There are fewer federal employees now than when he took office and he barely grew govt spending even though there are MORE americans under his administration than the last.

The truth is that BUSH DID HAVE A SURPLUS. He promptly pissed it away with unneeded tax cuts, stupid wars and unpaid for social programs.
The shrub was the most economically ignorant failure to reside in the oval office in the last 100 years.

I would say that FDR was right there with him, and Barry will be too.

Well then, who knew that Marxist Lenin agenda came so cheaply? Looks like its more fiscally conservative than who you clowns elected. There are fewer federal employees now than when he took office and he barely grew govt spending even though there are MORE americans under his administration than the last.

The reason there are fewer federal employees is because Obamachevsky has decimated the military. The federal bureaucracy has grown exponentially. God you are such a tool of the establishment...

The reason there are fewer federal employees is because Obamachevsky has decimated the military. The federal bureaucracy has grown exponentially. God you are such a tool of the establishment...

Again factually incorrect. You must complete your homework before coming to class. Otherwise you will never qualify for that mensa invitation. Please identify the person you claim has decimated the military. Is he a prominent politician from Israel? You seem to refer to him frequently.