Conservative Idiocy

Regardless of what the fools on Faux say, and no matter how they slant the news, every time an idiot like this deranged klansman opens their mouth, the minority voting block moves further into Obama's column. Klansmen, teabaggers and conservatards are really lousy sub-human specimens of particulate matter.
Mediamatters. Seriously?

You lefties will throw up any number of red herrings to avoid dealing with substandard test scores in your government schools. Let's spend more money...that always works.

Mediamatters. Seriously?

You lefties will throw up any number of red herrings to avoid dealing with substandard test scores in your government schools. Let's spend more money...that always works.

Conservatards can only stay in power by limiting education, just take a look at their voters, the teabaggers and the posters on cp.

Regardless of what the fools on Faux say, and no matter how they slant the news, every time an idiot like this deranged klansman opens their mouth, the minority voting block moves further into Obama's column. Klansmen, teabaggers and conservatards are really lousy sub-human specimens of particulate matter.

I voted for Buchanan back in '92. I never voted again after that because America could not see that Pat's a genius.

Regardless of what the fools on Faux say, and no matter how they slant the news, every time an idiot like this deranged klansman opens their mouth, the minority voting block moves further into Obama's column. Klansmen, teabaggers and conservatards are really lousy sub-human specimens of particulate matter.

Most people on both sides of the aisle know that home life, parental involvement, and family focus on the importance of education plays a far greater role in the overall success of kids than does the specific school or teachers. Are you denying that? Are you denying that there are more black single parent families or those that don't put a priority on education? Are you saying the minority families with a greater incidence of poverty send their kids to school properly dressed and fed and prepared for a day of learing? Yeah, that's just the klan's view. You are a stark raving idiot.

It is liberalism, unions, and the idea of dumbing down schools, making the education "equal" instead of rewarding superiority and excellence that has been its downfall. Not conservatism.
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Regardless of what the fools on Faux say, and no matter how they slant the news, every time an idiot like this deranged klansman opens their mouth, the minority voting block moves further into Obama's column. Klansmen, teabaggers and conservatards are really lousy sub-human specimens of particulate matter.

It's funny how the dolt plane avatar guy attacks the source of your OP while completely ignoring what Buchanan said - That is par for the course for him and the senile bubble guy - If there is something they can't comprehend or disagree with, they attack the messenger while pretending the message doesn't exist - They both have rendered themselves to be nothing more than sad punchlines here on CP.

Yep, things are going swimmingly in gobblement run inner city schools run by demalquedacrats. Nobody look. It is all Pat Buchanans fault. We just need to spend more money on teacher benefits and give them lifetime pensions and student achievement will soar. Just ask the board leftards