Conservatards want to damage the economy



Like most of your posts, taken out of context. The second part of the aide's statement is at least quoted in the mistitled blurb,

“I just don’t want to co-own the economy by having to tout that we passed a jobs bill that won’t work or at least won’t do enough.”

So why take on more debt, tax people into oblivion, for something that won't work and that has been proven not to work with stimulus 1?

Sessions comment makes sense too. There are things we can afford in a good economy that just cannot be done today. The deficit is real and must be addresssed. When I am flush with cash, I can go out to dinner more, give more to charity, and tip more. All good things but not happening right now as we watch every dollar preparing for the tax hit that is nearly inevitable following Bush and obama.

Finally, what has liberal policies done to HELP the economy? What is better now in the economy than it was when he took office?

Like most of your posts, taken out of context. The second part of the aide's statement is at least quoted in the mistitled blurb,

“I just don’t want to co-own the economy by having to tout that we passed a jobs bill that won’t work or at least won’t do enough.”

So why take on more debt, tax people into oblivion, for something that won't work and that has been proven not to work with stimulus 1?

Sessions comment makes sense too. There are things we can afford in a good economy that just cannot be done today. The deficit is real and must be addresssed. When I am flush with cash, I can go out to dinner more, give more to charity, and tip more. All good things but not happening right now as we watch every dollar preparing for the tax hit that is nearly inevitable following Bush and obama.

Finally, what has liberal policies done to HELP the economy? What is better now in the economy than it was when he took office?

Of course the unnamed aide was a conservatard who as the title suggests, will do nothing to help the economy. In fact all of the conservatards no long pledge allegiance to the country, the constitution, or the flag, they bow and scrape to the supreme Grover Norquist. But 'tards will never admit to that, they just go on complaining about taxes being too high.

Of course the unnamed aide was a conservatard who as the title suggests, will do nothing to help the economy. In fact all of the conservatards no long pledge allegiance to the country, the constitution, or the flag, they bow and scrape to the supreme Grover Norquist. But 'tards will never admit to that, they just go on complaining about taxes being too high.

Couldn't answer my question, could you?

The conservatard movement, along with their teabagger allies, are so focused on trying to beat Obama that they are willing to further damage the economy. Politically, they see an upside, but the reality is that the electorate is starting to see the errors that were made by not voting in 2010. The mess made by Snyder, skin-head Scott and Kasich are proof that conservatards are just that.

Did you get that Gardisil shot?