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Congressional report: U.S. FDA broke own protocols in approving Biogen Alzheimer's drug


Biogen completely fucked over Alzheimer’s patients with the Aduhelm debacle. Everything about it went wrong, and the people who paid the price are 1) The employees who accepted a job on the ADU team and 2) Every patient who has mild ALZ - they won’t see a new therapy approved in their lifetime. Thank you Michele, Alisha, & Deb!

BTW - where is Chris B? No update on his LinkedIn profile.

Excuse me, are you blaming the FDA?
Problem originated with Biogen, who has always had a way of getting overly favorable reviews from FDA (see pivotal trial study of Avonex for RRMS) and saw big $ with a venture into a desperate arena (Alzheimer’ s Disease) and so pushed hard to get approval to overcharge the American public once again. If the product had proven itself worthy, no problem . But it proved itself unworthy. Some experts in the field noticed. Biogen price for an unworthy drug was ridiculous and that fact was exposed. Biogen exposed as opportunist and of questionable ethics. Those who like using the stock as an ATM continued business as usual.