Increase the Excise Tax on Cigarettes by 50 Cents per Pack
Cigarettes are a big impact on people in the United States. As you can say cigarettes may rule the world as being the best manufacturing label of all time. There is an article that manipulates on the impact that increasing taxes may decrease the purchasing of cigarettes in stores. Results show that because of the increase on cigarette taxes; “Low-income, younger, Black, and Hispanic smokers were more likely than respondents with other sociodemographic characteristics to purchase more cigarettes on the street” (Coady, Chan, Sacks, Mbamalu, & Kansagra, 2013).
Long-Term Care Facility
A long-term care facility is a facility that supports people with short-term recovery, ongoing health conditions, or disabilities. This facility gets rid of the long-term effects that any abusive behavior may contain. The long-term effects of cigarette usage:
1. stroke,
2. rain damage,
3. eye cataracts,
4. macular degeneration,
5. yellowing of the white eyes, and
6. loss of sense of taste and smell.
We focused on the observation of the manipulation of the increase of taxes on cigarettes with how doing that would affect the long-term health facilities. “Increasing taxation on cigarettes is among the most effective ways to prevent and reduce smoking.” (Coady, Chan, Sacks, Mbamalu, & Kansagra, 2013). With the impact of that, more and more people will be likely to go to a long-term care facility to get help. “Increasing taxes on cigarettes is a win-win proposition: significantly increasing cigarette taxes results in fewer kids starting to smoke, and in more adults quitting while at the same time providing substantial revenue to fund important health, as well as tobacco prevention programs.” (Cigarette & Tobacco Taxes, 2020). The facilities will provide a huge impact when it comes to people wanting to quit smoking. The care facilities would provide the out for the “to-be” non-smokers.
“Advocates of tax increases point out that increasing cigarette taxes may mean better health for those who will quit and savings in terms of medical care costs.” (Ahmad & Franz, 2008). Increasing taxes on cigarettes will make humans live a longer life and with that it will provide a better stability within the health care institution. “Numerous studies have identified that while smoking cigarettes is addictive, prices influence the decision to start and quit smoking.” (Ahmad & Franz, 2008).
Works Cited
Ahmad, S., & Franz, G. A. (2008). Raising Taxes to Reduce Smoking Prevalence in the US: A Simulation of the Anticipated Health and Economic Impacts. Public Health , 3-10.
Cigarette & Tobacco Taxes. (2020, December 10). Retrieved from American Lung Association: Cigarette & Tobacco Taxes
Coady, M., Chan, C., Sacks, R., Mbamalu, I., & Kansagra, S. (2013). The Impact of Cigarette Excise Tax Increases on Purchasing Behaviors Among New York City Smokers. Am J Public Health, e54-e60.
Cigarettes are a big impact on people in the United States. As you can say cigarettes may rule the world as being the best manufacturing label of all time. There is an article that manipulates on the impact that increasing taxes may decrease the purchasing of cigarettes in stores. Results show that because of the increase on cigarette taxes; “Low-income, younger, Black, and Hispanic smokers were more likely than respondents with other sociodemographic characteristics to purchase more cigarettes on the street” (Coady, Chan, Sacks, Mbamalu, & Kansagra, 2013).
Long-Term Care Facility
A long-term care facility is a facility that supports people with short-term recovery, ongoing health conditions, or disabilities. This facility gets rid of the long-term effects that any abusive behavior may contain. The long-term effects of cigarette usage:
1. stroke,
2. rain damage,
3. eye cataracts,
4. macular degeneration,
5. yellowing of the white eyes, and
6. loss of sense of taste and smell.
We focused on the observation of the manipulation of the increase of taxes on cigarettes with how doing that would affect the long-term health facilities. “Increasing taxation on cigarettes is among the most effective ways to prevent and reduce smoking.” (Coady, Chan, Sacks, Mbamalu, & Kansagra, 2013). With the impact of that, more and more people will be likely to go to a long-term care facility to get help. “Increasing taxes on cigarettes is a win-win proposition: significantly increasing cigarette taxes results in fewer kids starting to smoke, and in more adults quitting while at the same time providing substantial revenue to fund important health, as well as tobacco prevention programs.” (Cigarette & Tobacco Taxes, 2020). The facilities will provide a huge impact when it comes to people wanting to quit smoking. The care facilities would provide the out for the “to-be” non-smokers.
“Advocates of tax increases point out that increasing cigarette taxes may mean better health for those who will quit and savings in terms of medical care costs.” (Ahmad & Franz, 2008). Increasing taxes on cigarettes will make humans live a longer life and with that it will provide a better stability within the health care institution. “Numerous studies have identified that while smoking cigarettes is addictive, prices influence the decision to start and quit smoking.” (Ahmad & Franz, 2008).
Works Cited
Ahmad, S., & Franz, G. A. (2008). Raising Taxes to Reduce Smoking Prevalence in the US: A Simulation of the Anticipated Health and Economic Impacts. Public Health , 3-10.
Cigarette & Tobacco Taxes. (2020, December 10). Retrieved from American Lung Association: Cigarette & Tobacco Taxes
Coady, M., Chan, C., Sacks, R., Mbamalu, I., & Kansagra, S. (2013). The Impact of Cigarette Excise Tax Increases on Purchasing Behaviors Among New York City Smokers. Am J Public Health, e54-e60.