Congress will change Med D to allow govt to negotiate drug prices

Pac Scam

Same as the VA does
This will save the US govt $300 BILLION annually
This will be part of the budget reduction
No more $100 million 11th hour shenanigans to fleece the taxpayer

Pharma days are numbered

Med D was mis-written to begin with. We have raped the public for too long time for our industry to put something on the table. The earnings each year have not saved jobs, this decision will only be another excuse for Novartis to rack up huge profits, and throw the rep under the bus.

I believe the savings would be $300 billion over 10 years which is still a substantial chunk of taxpayer $$$ to save Vs handing out freebies to these wretched drug pushers & even conservatives will look at closing these types of loopholes.

I believe the savings would be $300 billion over 10 years which is still a substantial chunk of taxpayer $$$ to save Vs handing out freebies to these wretched drug pushers & even conservatives will look at closing these types of loopholes.

Everyone interested should write , email their congressman & senators . If pac taught us anything about politicians is they are easily pressured & bribed with donations. There are plenty of tax watchdog groups that would join .

Amending this part of med D would be a serious major victory to the american population at large & good for the United States fiscal health.

Anyone laid off in the last 2-3 years should make it one of their life missions to work towards this goal