

I ain't scurred of these guys but I got a couple questions:

Do the custom implants aim to restore mechanical/anatomic alignment?
Do they have a PS option or is there any word of a constrained option becoming available?
Are their reps getting fucked up the ass by corporate over inventory management?

informative or funny responses only, please.

I ain't scurred of these guys but I got a couple questions:

Do the custom implants aim to restore mechanical/anatomic alignment?
Do they have a PS option or is there any word of a constrained option becoming available?
Are their reps getting fucked up the ass by corporate over inventory management?

informative or funny responses only, please.

You can't be a poor typist, because the 'a' in scared is no where near the 'u'. So, I'm now thinking you are just stupid ! The second clue is your question ?

You can't be a poor typist, because the 'a' in scared is no where near the 'u'. So, I'm now thinking you are just stupid ! The second clue is your question ?

You must not be familiar with hip hop culture. That's OK, you can get by without that. But as far as the unprovoked insult -- that's not necessary, and you can't get by doing that.

If anyone has something REAL to contribute I would appreciate it. Can't this be a place where people share information and ideas? Why do so many people come here to anonymously hate on others? WTF Mate???

Conformis, Consensus, United, Omni etc. etc. etc. it doesn't matter big corporate is a thing of the past. Your leaders are idiots and everyone knows it. Even you know it! No matter what company. Go into heavy equipment for the rest of your career.