Confessions of a pharmaceutical sales rep: Big Pharma, Sexy Little Secret



I hate it when they get jesus.

"there might be a better drug for them out there'

well so fcking what? The drugs on the market are all pretty good. The real challenge is to get someone on a drug hopefully yours. As long as they get treated, you are doing good.

A 2 % efficacy difference is irrelevant, and who's to predict it? It's always been about the rep, never about the marketing message. People write for people they like. Especially today when the lawyers won't let you differentiate. The data is so close its not as important as personal trust and service.

I hope she makes money, but I have no issues with my years in the industry.

Though I hate the way its going, and I have retired early. But that is about this company, and it's general work practices, not about selling pharmaceuticals.