conference calls

We'll let you know when your input is required. Until then, shut your pie hole.

Did you actually believe the B.S. from Quest in Greensboro???


I have Beach Front Property in Arizona for sale too!

Get out now and DO NOT sign the Non-Compete that they will force you to sign. You will not have time to read it or have your attorney go over it. If you don't sign it under pressure, you will be eliminated. Don't trust them. You will thank me later.

Did you actually believe the B.S. from Quest in Greensboro???


I have Beach Front Property in Arizona for sale too!

Get out now and DO NOT sign the Non-Compete that they will force you to sign. You will not have time to read it or have your attorney go over it. If you don't sign it under pressure, you will be eliminated. Don't trust them. You will thank me later.

Newsflash. They don't care if you sign it or not. Sign it and they fire you later for "cause" and then you cant compete with them. Don't sign it and you just refused their offer of employment, so no unemployment checks for you while you try to find a new job in this economy. Win/Win for Quest. Lose/Lose for you. You want to win against Quest. Whistleblower. Quest is the industry leader in corruption and kickback schemes.

Newsflash. They don't care if you sign it or not. Sign it and they fire you later for "cause" and then you cant compete with them. Don't sign it and you just refused their offer of employment, so no unemployment checks for you while you try to find a new job in this economy. Win/Win for Quest. Lose/Lose for you. You want to win against Quest. Whistleblower. Quest is the industry leader in corruption and kickback schemes.

If you do not take a lower paying job that they offer you, you can still file for unemployment and be granted it. If the quest percentages are lower than what SLP was paying, you definitely have a case. You don't have to take the job that is offered for lower pay just because it is a job.

Did you actually believe the B.S. from Quest in Greensboro???


I have Beach Front Property in Arizona for sale too!

Get out now and DO NOT sign the Non-Compete that they will force you to sign. You will not have time to read it or have your attorney go over it. If you don't sign it under pressure, you will be eliminated. Don't trust them. You will thank me later.

What is the B.S. from Quest all about in Greensboro?????

What is the B.S. from Quest all about in Greensboro?????

Quest came into our meeting and did a slide show presentation. The two girls kept talking about how they want to learn from Solstas and take that back to Quest. They wanted to know why we were so successful and how great things will be in the "New Organization"

Yeah, right!

Quest came into our meeting and did a slide show presentation. The two girls kept talking about how they want to learn from Solstas and take that back to Quest. They wanted to know why we were so successful and how great things will be in the "New Organization"

Yeah, right!

Those girls hooked some major suckers with that "we want to learn from Solstas and take that back to Quest. We want to know why Solstas was so successful and how great things will be in the "New Organization"" baloney.

You seriously bought into that crap? They pulled psychology 101 on you like you're simple minded toddlers. You want so badly to be wanted and accepted by Quest, don't you?

The grand thing is most of our reps and managers ran to clients to spew the same lame line of "nothing is changing, Quest wants to learn from us" B.S. Even Carmine made his grand rounds to customers to make the same ridiculous statements and promises.

You seriously think Quest gives a crap about you, me or anyone else at Solstas? Really??? They've had their integration plan written long before they bought the company.

You really think they are spending $570,000,000 on Solstas without knowing EXACTLY how every piece of the business fits into Quest? They do this all the time, multiple acquisitions every year, and know exactly how the integration will move forward.

They've been in multiple times to look at us. They know who we are and how we fit.

This is getting ready to turn ugly on us!

How is it that they expect us to sit around for this shit. If I have to hear CC lie one more time I will give him a piece of my mind. I don't know why everyone is so afraid of setting that jackass straight... Fuck what do you have to lose now.. SPEAK YOUR MIND

OK big dog. Then lets see what you have to say. Send an email tomorrow morning to CC and then copy All Orginization Members.

Yeah. Didn't think so. Now step back in line and do as your instructed!