Conference Call


I believe that today's conference call was a result of us, the contributors and ousters on cafe pharma. Pat yourselves on the back and know that we can hold their feet to the fire!

Let's discuss this conference call. It was easy to see that Rob read a pre-planned speech, he was careful in his wording and backtracked over many things that he was insistent on in the past. HC-1 was a huge battle that we won, and unfortunately, a few people were fired over HC-1 before Rob finally got sense knocked into him.

Another victory, DVPs getting off our backs and letting us work. It was great to see Rob address the issue. Though he did not say anyone was in the wrong, he emphasized the importance of keeping calls brief.

Let's continue to hold their feet to the fire, and maybe we can steer this ship in the right direction.

-Viking King

So obvious he was readin a prepared statement. What a tool!!! He probably practiced that in the mirror like 10 times to make it sound natural. Could you imagine this douchebag trying to memorize lines for his 2 appearance acting career? Today was a good example of why it was only 2 appearances. No one believes anything that comes out of your mouth, Danielson. You have no credibility.
As you were...

Rob said that we need to spend time with our family at night. That we need to have a good work home life. That is biggest load of crap, we are all too worried about losing our jobs to have a good home life. There were 15 people viewing cafepharma at 3:00 am this morning, if those poor saps were anything like me, I was up late trying to figure out my future and how I would provide for my family. I left a good job for this place, and it was a big lie! Family life is anything but good when you have these guys threatening your job and nagging you all of the time.

I wish I could relax with my kids when I get home at night. Instead, I find myself thinking about bills to pay and how much longer I will be at this company. Seems like I find myself on careerbuilder and indeed every night, trying to find a secure position so my FAMILY doesn't suffer.

I am sure everyone has noticed the multiple contradictions that occur. They say to see more people and then they say to have a home life. Which is it? How do you keep from being fired? How do you know you will be paid for the work you do? How was a representative who was bringing in 300 per week fired?

You best step off the tracks when the train is coming through! Hyper growth is in full affect.

Say it with me now! BONJI!BONJI! BONJI!

Be careful clicking external links!

That is a way to get your IP address. I don't want them to punish any reps because of cafe Pharma. I know this may be a harmless link, but if we get in the habit of posting unknown links, it may come back to bite us. If there is a website you want to share, list the name of the site or google search.

-Viking King

Rob said that we need to spend time with our family at night. That we need to have a good work home life. That is biggest load of crap, we are all too worried about losing our jobs to have a good home life. There were 15 people viewing cafepharma at 3:00 am this morning, if those poor saps were anything like me, I was up late trying to figure out my future and how I would provide for my family. I left a good job for this place, and it was a big lie! Family life is anything but good when you have these guys threatening your job and nagging you all of the time.

I wish I could relax with my kids when I get home at night. Instead, I find myself thinking about bills to pay and how much longer I will be at this company. Seems like I find myself on careerbuilder and indeed every night, trying to find a secure position so my FAMILY doesn't suffer.

I agree. I was up late last night and saw you on the site as well at 3:00 Ish am. There were 12 others on as well. The sales management team has taken a group of people who were energetic, enthusiastic and well trained and totally alienated everyone of them I have talked with as well as ones I have heard of on a second hand basis. The difference between this group of sales pidgeon and the last I have heard is age. We are an older more experienced group. By the way things are turning out for these charlitians this time it looks like they have been discovered?
One conference call will not turn this negative momentum down. It seems that all are looking for a new job and not pulling back. Good work Castle. You don't know if your troops are following you or chasing you!
Great management skills, you have just cost your company another small fortune in training. You are absolutely an ineffective manager team in most all aspects of management. The repurcussions from your hire n fire tactics will and have haunt you.
If you have any management training you will know "The Rule of 250."


The Suicide King

I believe that today's conference call was a result of us, the contributors and ousters on cafe pharma. Pat yourselves on the back and know that we can hold their feet to the fire!

Let's discuss this conference call. It was easy to see that Rob read a pre-planned speech, he was careful in his wording and backtracked over many things that he was insistent on in the past. HC-1 was a huge battle that we won, and unfortunately, a few people were fired over HC-1 before Rob finally got sense knocked into him.

Another victory, DVPs getting off our backs and letting us work. It was great to see Rob address the issue. Though he did not say anyone was in the wrong, he emphasized the importance of keeping calls brief.

Let's continue to hold their feet to the fire, and maybe we can steer this ship in the right direction.

-Viking King

Ha.....It is a result from all their legal issues coming their way...There are pending law suits
against them right now that are held under Seal....There are so many claims being filed against them.............Sex Discrem, Age Discrem, False Claims Act,...the list goes on and on......

All those years of acting and you couldn't even read your own script? Really? REALLY?

You could have done us all a favor and written another long drawn out email that makes no sense, drips with redundancy and shows the entire sales force how completely inept you are.

That call was similar to your block breaking skills.