Conference Call Today


Lets set the company up for success! Pay the reps and give obtainable goals. With the low pay and the unobtainable goals everyone will fail. Its not change for the better. Leadership is can you kiss Bills ass! Think outside the box and look to get ideas of reps who dont kiss ass and tell you how it is upfront. It is not always about drinking the koolaid, well with Dey it is. Watch out, Dey/Mylan is making money because they are not paying reps any money.

We were told on one of these Mike Stout conference calls about 4 months ago from Linda that HHC numbers were in. Funny how now they are saying that they are waiting for them. Can you say tweaking the numbers! No wonder none of the reps are hitting there goals and even the managers are starting to feel the effects of now making money.

We were told on one of these Mike Stout conference calls about 4 months ago from Linda that HHC numbers were in. Funny how now they are saying that they are waiting for them. Can you say tweaking the numbers! No wonder none of the reps are hitting there goals and even the managers are starting to feel the effects of now making money.

Borderline theft!!!!!!!!!!!! They are not paying us out what we have made. IC is a disaster. Mike Stout has been a complete failure! He has lost control and must go before he totaly ruins this company.

And Perforomist goals are based on neb SABAs in the territory. Well lots of neb SABAs are written for things other than COPD! Goals are too high.

They are not into "paying" are you kidding? We will never, ever, get paid a fair bonus.... This has been going on for a very long time, yea, since Mylan bought Dey. They go through reps like toilet paper and keep our bonuses, and why, because they can! Their attitude is, if you don't like it, move along.....
Oh, they hire the most unprofessional DMs and RDs that can go along with their nasty little plans, like MCB! Hopefully, life for them is not a good.......