Speak out if you carry concealed while on the job at Quest. It is our right and the responsible thing to do. Also, is anyone from an open carry state and what does Quest say about that?
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
This carrying would be in conjunction with your volunteer service with your state's National Guard, no?
You couldnt handle a BB gun you hillbilly !
"The People" have a right to form a militia and to keep and bear arms. The Bill of Rights pertains only to the rights of The People, not the government. None of this of course has anything to do with bigotry and whoever thinks so is an idiot.
And, potentially budding domestic terrorists. Or, a subject of Breaking News.
Move to the U.K. If you don't value your personal freedom and feel the need to be governed. Perhaps you will feel safer there.
No. The militia and the right to bear arms are separate points and confirmed as the right of the people by the statement shall not be infringed. This was upheld by the Supreme Court.
I smell red neck KKK
If the Japs attack us again im ready.
I'll have my shotgun ready if the Germans attack Pearl Harbor again.
"A rifle behind every blade of grass." Look it up, son.