Ummmm, what things are you referring to?
Specialist completing paperwork for the office and faxing it in on their behalf.
Loading up on vials when the patient already has 6 vials on hand.
Stealing prescriptions from other specialties (the doctor meant to write XYZ but wrote MS instead). That is actually MY vial and I should be paid on it.
Paying their reimbursement manager on the sly to "find" prescriptions for the specialist to claim and submit a new enrollment.
Paying the office staff with food gift cards to complete paperwork that may not be completely legit.
Paying the sendera rep to change a diagnosis code so the specialist and the sendera rep BOTH get paid.
Sending in new enrollments to CarePlus and having the vials shipped when the patient has stopped taking the medication. Since the prior authorization was already approved along with copayment assistance, the specialist gets paid regardless if the patient needs the vials.
Don't forget that some reps take physicians out to dinner and pay with their personal credit card. The dinner is not expensed or reported because the rep makes so much money, what does a $300.00 dinner really costs them?
Reps submitting expense reports with airline travel on it and then cancelling the airline travel. Using the airline travel later on for a personal trip.
Specialist starting their own side companies, posting the pictures on FB/Linked In and still going to Bora Bora for President's Club.
Nope, no compliance issues here at MNK.