Completely Backward Company With No Vision!


I interviewed here for a Director role reporting to a VP of Portfolio Strategy. Position called for overseeeing 2 groups. I have never met a more dated and backward company that uses "excessive" interviewing techniques. They had me go through 5 round of interviews only to critique me by saying that in my career "I moved around a bit"..this came VP! That is completely unprofessional and obviously red flags went up. This guy did not know anything about research and less about strategy. What a freaking joke!!! Whoever joins this company is in for a rude awakening! I was not impressed with any of the individuyals who worked here and thank god I took another position.

I watched the Valleylab company slowly die selling commodity products (pads/pencils/replacement electrosurgical units) on GPO's until some ballsy folks realized something needed to change and Ligasure was born (circa 1996 timeframe for research). This first to market product and subsequent focus has put Covidien at or near the top of energy - based companies.

Look at its long-time competitor - Conmed Electrosurgery. Still stuck in the mire of commodity products and haven't grown revenue since 2006, probably not even profitable (entire company barely in the black), and 11 years late with a vessel sealing alternative that couldn't muster even $1M in sales year one and giving away the boxes for free.

Yea--they got lucky....and Valleylab/Covidien had vision.

I watched the Valleylab company slowly die selling commodity products (pads/pencils/replacement electrosurgical units) on GPO's until some ballsy folks realized something needed to change and Ligasure was born (circa 1996 timeframe for research). This first to market product and subsequent focus has put Covidien at or near the top of energy - based companies.

Look at its long-time competitor - Conmed Electrosurgery. Still stuck in the mire of commodity products and haven't grown revenue since 2006, probably not even profitable (entire company barely in the black), and 11 years late with a vessel sealing alternative that couldn't muster even $1M in sales year one and giving away the boxes for free.

Yea--they got lucky....and Valleylab/Covidien had vision.

The vision needs glasses.