Company Culture

if you are smart and would like a career, find another place to work and ditch Acumed.
for your own benefit do the following-
google "acumed work environment" review some of the other postings in this message board.
Acumed is not the place for anyone who considers themself professional or smart.

to get honest feedback, contact temp agencies and ask about the feedback they get from clients. Acumed is the worst company to work for. you will get more respect working at a Burger King

How's the culture here? Do people like working here? Are the upper execs knowledgeable and forward thinking?

For the most part, the work environment is a survival of the fittest attitude. Everyday people are walking on egg shells, watching their back and learning who they can and can’t trust.
Instead of trying to advance our skill and improve yourself as a person, you spend most of your time stressed out and making sure you play politics rather than enjoying job satisfaction and fulfillment.

If you like this type of environment then you will do fine. If you want to further your skills, improve your professional career, and better yourself then you should quit and find a job that will looks out for your interest’s as well as the company’s.

To really get a feel of Acumed, do a research with temp agencies, google, and ask former employees.