Is the company credit card a Visa or Amex?
its a discover corporate cardIs the company credit card a Visa or Amex?
Idiot!!Dont worry. Buyout is coming and we'll be randomly selected to see who gets to keep their job and who doesnt.
Go home
Dont worry. Buyout is coming and we'll be randomly selected to see who gets to keep their job and who doesnt.
Dont worry. Buyout is coming and we'll be randomly selected to see who gets to keep their job and who doesnt.
I think Amarin is a great gig!Wh y do you this whole hiring and training process is so screwed up? People in the know are aware of what’s happening. They have to pretend everything is normal and go about doing their normal routines. But the end is near and you need to start worrying about your own gigs and not think about getting new hires adjusted. Time to be checking the job boards.....tick tock.