Company cars


Unfortunately very quickly. I’m sorry but prepare yourself. You can hold them off during notice pay. Last time was two weeks. Could be different this time since get warned last week

You'll get a phone call within 48 hours but you can put them off about a week or so. Fill it up this morning first thing though because your gas card will be cut off by the time the call starts.

You'll get a phone call within 48 hours but you can put them off about a week or so. Fill it up this morning first thing though because your gas card will be cut off by the time the call starts.

Agree about the calls from Fleet or whatever 3rd party company is doing the vehicle pick ups. And the gas card will be cut off soon.

The February layoff group had an 18 minute long WebEx (by HR) with no questions allowed to be asked the afternoon of the layoff notification. Not kidding.

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