Company cars

No not true. Jim said during the Town Hall today that we will be cutting back on fleet expenses as well as our travel expenses. Managers will no longer be flying all over the place to work with a representative for a day. Just a poor return on investment because they really don't offer enough expertise

Grow up it's a free car at 100 a month. This should be the least of your complaints.
Focus on the more important issues... every company when faced with economic challenges finds ways to reduce cost SO IF YOU WANT CAR ALLOWANCE THEM GO TO A COMPANY THAT OFRERE IT...

This decision does not deserve any of this stupid attention.

They just finished the 1 billion dollar Northbrook environmental buidling to house all of our overhead. Now they want an extra 100 bucks out of my paycheck to pay for a car. This is absolute bullcrap. I expect better for our producers.

Northbrook is ELITE & Salesforce are the grunts. It has become this way once the Japanese handed over leadership to the Americans

Does Northbrook have realignments, lose jobs, go through crazy review, get cut backs, have 5 year summit club averages????????? For god's sake the average raise was about 2%

Grow up it's a free car at 100 a month. This should be the least of your complaints.
Focus on the more important issues... every company when faced with economic challenges finds ways to reduce cost SO IF YOU WANT CAR ALLOWANCE THEM GO TO A COMPANY THAT OFRERE IT...

This decision does not deserve any of this stupid attention.

No, it's actually $175 per month and reps have every right to be upset about the increase in cost and the decrease in car quality and choices. You must be part of the Northbrook unnecessary overhead

Um, sorry to bring this up, but uh, so are you Mr. Manager. People want to voice their opinion. That's why this site was created. So you aren't needed here. And you don't make your company look that great, believe me.

Well, you cant have it both ways, you want people to sound off, there you have it. Truth hurts.
As I said, you really aren't doing much to improve the company image. You actually sound adolescent and a tad desperate in your attempts to tell people they aren't needed. You might want to rethink your approach to the problem ofunhappy employees.