Company car


No your an idiot! Why would they pay for cars, gas and insurance if we don’t leave our houses? Amgen is dumb fuck

It’s something called a lease that company is bound to pay for the term. They pull fleet they still need to pay lease. Get ready for a taxable fringe bill for 2020 for personal use and even more taxes on fringe with Biden Incompetence... err meant administration.

My check is so small this pay period, they charged “personal use fleet” were we told about this?, I’ve never had this happen before seems like a lot of money to pay for an Altima on top of the 140 per month to drive it.

My check is so small this pay period, they charged “personal use fleet” were we told about this?, I’ve never had this happen before seems like a lot of money to pay for an Altima on top of the 140 per month to drive it.

I would’ve given mine back had I known about this. Pfizer needs to do the right thing and step in and cover these BS taxes. Come on!

I would’ve given mine back had I known about this. Pfizer needs to do the right thing and step in and cover these BS taxes. Come on!
Employer-paid vehicle allowances and cents-per-mile payments that exceed IRS-approved totals also receive no tax advantage and must be counted by employees as taxable income. Vehicle expenses can be claimed by employees on their individual tax returns.

The taxes are your responsibility. Stop whining because you can't get another handout.The information is in the fleet guide and the IRS fleet rules. You can easily find this information. It's not Pfizer's fault that you are lazy and uninformed. You only pay $140/month for a late model vehicle, and you're still complaining. Shut up, loser.

My check is so small this pay period, they charged “personal use fleet” were we told about this?, I’ve never had this happen before seems like a lot of money to pay for an Altima on top of the 140 per month to drive it.
Could this be because you haven't driven your car for business purposes since March?

Could this be because you haven't driven your car for business purposes since March?
Yes I believe so, there were very few miles driven at all, personal or business, but because the personal miles (although less than 3,000 for the entire year) were 97% of all miles driven I had to pay almost my entire paycheck which is ok, except I wasn’t expecting this, especially since this has never happened, it’s the check right before Christmas,I’m a single mom, and I don’t have a super high salary compared to other employees so it was a lot for me. But at least I know that next year I will opt for purchasing my own vehicle and receiving the reimbursement.

Yes I believe so, there were very few miles driven at all, personal or business, but because the personal miles (although less than 3,000 for the entire year) were 97% of all miles driven I had to pay almost my entire paycheck which is ok, except I wasn’t expecting this, especially since this has never happened, it’s the check right before Christmas,I’m a single mom, and I don’t have a super high salary compared to other employees so it was a lot for me. But at least I know that next year I will opt for purchasing my own vehicle and receiving the reimbursement.

it has happened before just not as big of an amount this year. if you haven't had this happen before then you weren't being honest about your mileage? Or maybe you just didn't notice it. As someone said above it's all in the fleet guide.

Still a good deal for a 2020 auto. Lots of people around the USA are in more trouble during a pandemic and I'm sure would love to have a Dec paycheck that is a little less than normal.

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