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Company Car


Just got offer, what is the company car?

In all the new hire cars B+L is embedding GPS tracking technology. If you look closely at your New Hire packet you are signing and acknowledging that the company has the right to monitor all assets at any time- including the car. You best make sure you work an 8:30am-5:30pm shift so you don't get sent home in the new hire probation period.

I heard that B+L got a great deal on a used lot of Ford Pintos, Ford Exploders and Chevy Corvairs. Just try not to get rear-ended - literally or figuratively!

does anyone know what type of cars I have to choose from? Is it still a fusion or escape as listed above? I was told in my interveiw I would have the option of getting my own car with an allowance but that just seems like a headache.

does anyone know what type of cars I have to choose from? Is it still a fusion or escape as listed above? I was told in my interveiw I would have the option of getting my own car with an allowance but that just seems like a headache.

Do yourself a big favor and choose to Escape now why you still can.

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