Company Car or Car Allowance?

No car allowance. Old and dated company car.

For a subpar underachiever, such as yourself, that is more than equitable. Elite superstars start out in our new S Class Fleet and work their way up from there. I suggest you own your performance and add value at every turn and perhaps next year you will fly to the NSM in my G550.

For a subpar underachiever, such as yourself, that is more than equitable. Elite superstars start out in our new S Class Fleet and work their way up from there. I suggest you own your performance and add value at every turn and perhaps next year you will fly to the NSM in my G550.

The only thing you are good at is cutting and pasting.

For a subpar underachiever, such as yourself, that is more than equitable. Elite superstars start out in our new S Class Fleet and work their way up from there. I suggest you own your performance and add value at every turn and perhaps next year you will fly to the NSM in my G550.

Good one Mr Original and your lame copy and paste replies. Is mommy not given you attention again? Ok sweetie I will. Now I want you to try again this time something new. No more whining you sound like a little bitch, hahahaha. Big bad jr vP. U can do it!!

Above poster too stupid to realize that his ip address is being tracked. He always uses the terms "mommy" & "bitch" in his replies to many threads. Haha. What an idiot!!
Probably an inbreed with a crush on his "mommy" who is also his "bitch" sister.

Above poster too stupid to realize that his ip address is being tracked. He always uses the terms "mommy" & "bitch" in his replies to many threads. Haha. What an idiot!!
Probably an inbreed with a crush on his "mommy" who is also his "bitch" sister.

Oh poor mr original is bitching again, tell mommy to let you play w her computer after you clean your room and learn new words. I know how bad you crave attention sweetie and I'll give you someone just stop complaining, hahahahah

Above poster too stupid to realize that his ip address is being tracked. He always uses the terms "mommy" & "bitch" in his replies to many threads. Haha. What an idiot!!
Probably an inbreed with a crush on his "mommy" who is also his "bitch" sister.

I think someone got their panties in a bunch. You are an idiot to think that someones ip address is being tracked by anyone for any reason.

For a subpar underachiever, such as yourself, that is more than equitable. Elite superstars start out in our new S Class Fleet and work their way up from there. I suggest you own your performance and add value at every turn and perhaps next year you will fly to the NSM in my G550.

You aren't in charge of anything you dipshit. You probably don't even work in sales. STFU already. You are ruining this forum for everyone asshole!

For the moment you get a company car. It is never new. The one i received had more than 70,000 miles. Rumor is they are moving to a car allowance. This company takes being cheap to a new level with it's auto deduction, low salary structure, limited room for promotion and awful raises. All this and micromanagement

For the moment you get a company car. It is never new. The one i received had more than 70,000 miles. Rumor is they are moving to a car allowance. This company takes being cheap to a new level with it's auto deduction, low salary structure, limited room for promotion and awful raises. All this and micromanagement

The employees that produce are never micromanaged and receive fantastic perks and the highest compensation in the industry. It is obvious that you are struggling just to get by and require constant supervision. Try to learn something from it.

The employees that produce are never micromanaged and receive fantastic perks and the highest compensation in the industry. It is obvious that you are struggling just to get by and require constant supervision. Try to learn something from it.

Dear Hope this helps, you try to learn something like no one cares what you have to post. We all know that you don't even work at QD so go find something else to do with all your time like finding a job.

The employees that produce are never micromanaged and receive fantastic perks and the highest compensation in the industry. It is obvious that you are struggling just to get by and require constant supervision. Try to learn something from it.
Really????? So if you are the number one rep in your region you no longer have to enter all this silly data.....that's news to you Ahole.

The employees that produce are never micromanaged and receive fantastic perks and the highest compensation in the industry. It is obvious that you are struggling just to get by and require constant supervision. Try to learn something from it.

Please name 1 fantastice perk that you are getting and what you think is the highest compensation in the lab industry. If you can do this then I might just have a little respect for your post. At this point I call BS all day long on your statement.

Dear Hope this helps, you try to learn something like no one cares what you have to post. We all know that you don't even work at QD so go find something else to do with all your time like finding a job.


Why aren't you this bold on sales calls? Your numbers might improve if you didn't stare at your shoes while you talked to prospects.

Too funny. Quest is in free fall and I love picking off your accts! Too bad not many left to pick off anymore.
Car or allowance?! I cant believe ASR's arent pulling around AE's in a rickshaw these days! Good luck to u out there!

Too funny. Quest is in free fall and I love picking off your accts! Too bad not many left to pick off anymore.
Car or allowance?! I cant believe ASR's arent pulling around AE's in a rickshaw these days! Good luck to u out there!

Funny? I wish we could say the same about your pathetic fantasy. Riddle me this, junior. Why are you spending your Friday night reading and posting on our board if what you say is true? Fact is the closest you will ever come to a Quest company car is when you hand us our value meals at the BK drive thru, whopper boy. Now get off this board and fry up some hot apple pies. My elite team might need a snack later.