Company auto

I should have known. The decision will not be made "simply" based on company auto", but it is a factor. It may not matter to all of you but it matters to me, I guess responding like an 8th grader makes you feel good. So be it, I prefer to gather ALL available info and then make a decision based on ALL information. Thanks for all the help.

I should have known. The decision will not be made "simply" based on company auto", but it is a factor. It may not matter to all of you but it matters to me, I guess responding like an 8th grader makes you feel good. So be it, I prefer to gather ALL available info and then make a decision based on ALL information. Thanks for all the help.
Simply put:

If you gathered just a little info about Sun, not ALL as you say, you’d be running for the hills, not asking about a car selection.

You belong at Sun.

Simply put:

If you gathered just a little info about Sun, not ALL as you say, you’d be running for the hills, not asking about a car selection.

You belong at Sun.

absolutely correct.
also the fleet manager is an absolute waste of skin. good luck ever getting a return email or phone call from him. completely unprofessional... i mean, it is SUN, so par for the course i guess....

absolutely correct.
also the fleet manager is an absolute waste of skin. good luck ever getting a return email or phone call from him. completely unprofessional... i mean, it is SUN, so par for the course i guess....
Ineptitude and lack of integrity are par for the course at Sun.
‘The fish rots from the head down’

What are the options for company vehicles? Are there options to upgrade/pay more monthly for better vehicle?