
target was $6k /qtr. Seemed like every other quarter was decent, the in between quarters not so good. Some people made $2K those quarters. But there were maybe a dozen people or so that made more than $10k per qtr. Lots of variables.

Zyclara is pacing at 3000+ scripts a week without any sales reps or twizzlers. Amazing how a shitty product keeps being written. You guys really made an impression. Just imagine how we could've done in 2012 if we did not go Chapter GFY!!!

The Zyclara scripts are going up because the overbearing,obnoxious Graceway reps with loser DSMs are not in every week asking the Derms to sign the computer....the Drs. hated us!!

Zyclara is pacing at 3000+ scripts a week without any sales reps or twizzlers. Amazing how a shitty product keeps being written. You guys really made an impression. Just imagine how we could've done in 2012 if we did not go Chapter GFY!!!

this is completely false - Zyclara is not even close to 3000 - it's around half of that

Who cares. Move on. Graceway is where it deserves to be. I just wish I knew who took the hit for the additional $500MM in debt we had. I would like to ask them just one simple little question: Why didn't you keep track of what was happening with the money you invested in Graceway? Because if you did, you would have sounded the warning bells a year and a half before the bankruptcy and FIRED the whole of Bristol!

Who cares. Move on. Graceway is where it deserves to be. I just wish I knew who took the hit for the additional $500MM in debt we had. I would like to ask them just one simple little question: Why didn't you keep track of what was happening with the money you invested in Graceway? Because if you did, you would have sounded the warning bells a year and a half before the bankruptcy and FIRED the whole of Bristol!

I will tell you a little story:

It is the summer of 2006. I was just hired at CVP. I went to training in Philly.
The second day at training, I took a much needed bathroom break from Victor's rants about Atopicrap. On my way back I hear yelling from the conference room.

So, being a nosy S.O.B., I stopped to listen in.
I will para-phrase, but what I heard was Bob M. desperately trying to convince someone that CVP was a viable company, despite very low sales of it's main product at the time, Atopicrap. I am very sure that the potential deal at that time was in major trouble.

At a dinner that evening at the CVP Country Club, Bob said to me that if sales for Atopicrap didn't pick up soon, the company was in trouble.
I had no idea at the time we were talking about the 3m purchase.

Lucky for him, sales did improve setting records for the 3rd and 4th qtrs of that yr.
This is just a guess, but I believe if sales had not gone up, the 3m deal would have fell through. The only problem is who else in their right mind would pay almost a billion dollars for a drug that is about to fall off patent? Nobody. Nobody but the inflated egos of upper management thought it could work.

I used to work at several pharma companies before I landed at CVP. I honestly never saw a worse run company in my life. You had a sales director that stuttered like a mouse, You had a pres. you never saw or heard from, you had a school teacher for a product trainer, and you had a Russian Cosmonaut running IT.

It made for a great reality tv show, not a pharmaceutical company.


Hey you above, why did you not tell us this before?? Are you yella!! I think yer yella!!
Also, you above, I assume you got out of there shortly after the start of GW in early '07? I mean, if it was so bad and everyone was so pathetic, you must have left of your own volition very quickly, right? And went on to star at another, higher class company more suited to your talents? And at that new company, your vast talent was recognized and many promotions ensued? Just checkin'!

#14 Here,
No, I'm not Yella, I did give you this story some time ago, you just need to go back and check different GW threads.

Yes, I left GW in 2007. Yes, I do have a new career. No, it's not in pharma, No, it is not with a huge company. Yes, I am doing very well, Thank you.

I will give you one last hint to who I am. Everyone at the company who saw me detail asked What the hell are you doing HERE?

The real reason someone like me went to a company like CVP was a secret. A secret that will soon be all over the news. When it hits, those that know me and have my number, give me a call.

Until then, good luck to all of you.

#14 Here,
No, I'm not Yella, I did give you this story some time ago, you just need to go back and check different GW threads.

Yes, I left GW in 2007. Yes, I do have a new career. No, it's not in pharma, No, it is not with a huge company. Yes, I am doing very well, Thank you.

I will give you one last hint to who I am. Everyone at the company who saw me detail asked What the hell are you doing HERE?

The real reason someone like me went to a company like CVP was a secret. A secret that will soon be all over the news. When it hits, those that know me and have my number, give me a call.

Until then, good luck to all of you.

Very intriguing. When that secret hits the news, will it be local or national? Will anyone with cursory knowledge of the past situation recognize it and be able to put two and two together? Does it involve anyone we know getting in trouble, or not necessarily? Inquiring minds want to know.

#14 Here,
No, I'm not Yella, I did give you this story some time ago, you just need to go back and check different GW threads.

Yes, I left GW in 2007. Yes, I do have a new career. No, it's not in pharma, No, it is not with a huge company. Yes, I am doing very well, Thank you.

I will give you one last hint to who I am. Everyone at the company who saw me detail asked What the hell are you doing HERE?

The real reason someone like me went to a company like CVP was a secret. A secret that will soon be all over the news. When it hits, those that know me and have my number, give me a call.

Until then, good luck to all of you.

So what, you were in the closet and left b/c someone outed you. No one gives a fat rat's behind who you are or who you blew!

So what, you were in the closet and left b/c someone outed you. No one gives a fat rat's behind who you are or who you blew!

Wow, you are an angry elf, aren't you!
I'm not sure what you mean about closets, I'm not entirely sure there were any closets at CVP HQ.

And why would I blow anything, as far as I was concerned upper mgt. already blew!

However, I can tell from your remarks that you are currently unemployed, and for that I am sorry. I do wish you luck in your employment search. With CVP & GW on your resume, I am sure you will land a new career very quickly in the custodial arts, or perhaps with the sanitation department. Good Luck & God Bless!