Come On Dirk Crack the Whip, Time To Put Robbie on a PIP

Rotten Robbie made the deal with Quest that sunk this battleship


Please someone on this board tell me one thing Lying Robbie has done successfully during his tenure at SQNM as our commercial leader. One thing? One thing that increased revenue and grew the business? Does anyone you know use the word "I" more than RL? It may be fair to say that Dirky is the weak one here allowing it to continue. Step up unqualified CEO and have the balls to make a change!

Please someone on this board tell me one thing Lying Robbie has done successfully during his tenure at SQNM as our commercial leader. One thing? One thing that increased revenue and grew the business? Does anyone you know use the word "I" more than RL? It may be fair to say that Dirky is the weak one here allowing it to continue. Step up unqualified CEO and have the balls to make a change!

he has successfully eviscerated Sequenom

Must be some kind of love affair between Robbie and Dirk for Dirk to look the other way on the sales implosion. Heard that Glenn was created in the research lab using Robbie and Bill's DNA.