Combined Bag Sales Representative


Came across this position and am curious to know is this a good opportunity? I have five years of device, good numbers, and looking to make a career change. Any info would help - realistic earning potential, day to day issues, positives, training, etc.

Nothing, huh? No one has any insight on this position? Every now and then this site provides good information. I'm hoping this will be a similar situation. Help me out as I know no Covidien reps.

Nothing, huh? No one has any insight on this position? Every now and then this site provides good information. I'm hoping this will be a similar situation. Help me out as I know no Covidien reps.

Don't feel frustrated at the lack of helpful responses. After all this is cafepharma. To answer your questions, I would not look into this position unless you are coming from pharma or just really need a job. Pay is low. I'd say you can expect 100 - 120K. You'll put in a lot of hours for what equates to a supportive role. Much like a glorified associate. Covidien isn't a bad company but is known to be one of the lower paying companies in device. I'd say the average rep makes about 120K and few exceed 150K. Training will be difficult like all Covidien divisions but do-able. Management is a crap shoot. Hope this helps!

Yup. And once you start to make more than 120k they'll find a way to fire you. So if you're in an "at-will" state, good luck. Use Covidien as a stepping stone to something better and get out sooner rather than later.

What's this "combined bag"? What division?

Yup. And once you start to make more than 120k they'll find a way to fire you. So if you're in an "at-will" state, good luck. Use Covidien as a stepping stone to something better and get out sooner rather than later.

What's this "combined bag"? What division?

So what I don't get is if Coviden's pay is that low (100-150K) why do people stick around? For the benefits? I mean it's not like working for Covidien is a cakewalk. Why stick around making pharmacy money?

Most people are looking. Some people have families and mortgages and the economy is in the toilet.
This may be low pay for device, but a six figure job is nothing to sneeze at. At least for many people.

The "hybrid" rep (stapling and vessel sealing) sales role is new and will be implemented in October. Nobody knows how we'll be measured, comped, etc. Might be good, might suck donkey dick. My guess is $150k at plan, 60-40 salary to commission.

Selling Endo-Mechanical and Energy sounds like a friggin grind. Not at all afraid to work hard but want to be well compensated and enjoy what I do. Not getting that vibe with this one.

It's all gonna depend on quota and comp. By design, a "hybrid" rep will have a smaller territory where there is less opportunity for growth (otherwise they would be a "specialist") which makes the current comp plan obsolete. There's a lot of overlap already, so it makes sense on paper. Interested to see how it's executed.

It will fail miserable like it did before, because customers will realize quickly that their rep knows even less about what matters to the account than they did before...become order takers instead of business changers

There were days when we sold endo/suture or endo/ligasure and even at one point endo/ligasure/full line hernia its a grind but better than having nothing to sell or being boxed in in a certain market. More opportunity to be in the OR finding something to sell.

really? How so? If you carry more lines and can't be a clear cut expert in all, what good are you the account? Let me take an order for you sir...

I'm pretty confident that being a "clear cut expert" on stapling and vessel sealing won't be a problem. Most of the COV reps I know are pretty sharp folks.

Position is paying 70k base with an at plan number of 135k. They have a few of these openings throughout the US. The managers with openings want current OR sales reps.

Would be lateral or step back for the successful established OR rep because the uncapped is the unknown since this is a new type of position. They say uncapped but how much new business is really out there at this point in these territories? All they are doing is adding another head to somewhat specialize on specific products while the other reps are pushing the EBD or EMID lines also on their own? Pissing contest among the reps? Established reps losing accounts to new rep? Now said established rep unhappy and starts looking due to new rep? Let's be honest, they could take hernia put it EMID's bag and have EBD, EMID and Surgical Supplies. Just saved them millions in consulting fees/Project Hercules craziness.