About time. We are getting nothing from him. Zimmer Colorado is a joke. Paul Rose is worthless. Mike Burns plays hangs out with Mills all day and has little product knowledge. A change in leadership is long overdue.
Going direct would only be an improvement if they change the compensation model. Senior reps getting paid way too much and not doing crap. Burns opens boxes for Mills and gets paid $300 plus? Thats a joke and a waste of money...
Great meeting yesterday, NOT! No one has a clue, just John Spears trying to be Mr. Big Shot and Paul looking like a deer in the headlights. See you guys, its over.
??? If a Zimmer distributor goes direct the reps have the option to stay 1099 or go W-2. We went thru that a while ago. There is no pressure from corporate to go either way. It all depends on you age, family situation, income, etc. Zimmer has a good benefits package...if you are young it is a no brainer. I am old with large territory ($4 mil+) and stayed 1099.
No, Kevin & Tom we're never in charge, EVER! Now all we have to do is have John Spears quit telling everyone is will be the GM! John, why don't u go to Stryker since none of us respect or like you!!