its ability to miss earnings expectations and burn through cash are impressive. Gotta love the people that came here for stock options.
What a POS
What a POS
And that is precisely why pharma continues to put reps in the field. Use all of your amazing powers of persuasion to inspire and convince a doc to fight through the step edits, prior authorizations, and medical exceptions needed to get patient on drug. The savvy reps know this and devote the majority of their time doing that.This is a market that not even experienced pain reps can succeed in. Ask Purdue? Is Hysingla ER flying off the shelves? Only as well as the miserable managed care will allow it to. ADF are great and this is a novel product but if managed care isn't covering it you can't sell it. Period.Doctors are wise to this. They can never get them covered so why even bother? That's the mentality.
Yes they do out of necessity to eek out a couple scripts in the train wreck or high risk patient that nothing else has worked on. Until insurance covers the drug, it will be nothing other than a niche drug or last resort.And that is precisely why pharma continues to put reps in the field. Use all of your amazing powers of persuasion to inspire and convince a doc to fight through the step edits, prior authorizations, and medical exceptions needed to get patient on drug. The savvy reps know this and devote the majority of their time doing that.
This is a market that not even experienced pain reps can succeed in. Ask Purdue? Is Hysingla ER flying off the shelves? Only as well as the miserable managed care will allow it to. ADF are great and this is a novel product but if managed care isn't covering it you can't sell it. Period.Doctors are wise to this. They can never get them covered so why even bother? That's the mentality.
And that is precisely why pharma continues to put reps in the field. Use all of your amazing powers of persuasion to inspire and convince a doc to fight through the step edits, prior authorizations, and medical exceptions needed to get patient on drug. The savvy reps know this and devote the majority of their time doing that.
Even patients are getting letters telling them their doctor's prescribing is outside the guidelines of 90mg morphine equivalents and to go see their doctor so he can make adjustments!