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In just a few days, I will be on the beach in Maui, enjoying the fruits of my labor on the COE trip! This is why I LOVE AZ! Where else can you work 3 to 4 hours a day, and win a trip like this????

In just a few days, I will be on the beach in Maui, enjoying the fruits of my labor on the COE trip! This is why I LOVE AZ! Where else can you work 3 to 4 hours a day, and win a trip like this????
Any one of the dozens of government agencies. FDA,EPA, VA, FICA, HHH, ..... And you don't need to win some phony prize; just show up. Pretty much the same thing at AZ.

Looks like I need to bump up my game to win COE this year. I promise to work harder than ever before! I will go from 3 hours a day to 4!!! Talk about commitment!!

Once and for all it is a lottery people. Nothing more,nothing less than a pure lottery rigged to favor a few of their favorites and an annual all expenses paid trip for leadership and their spouses. It will come to a crashing halt when it shows up in the press some day as another sign of waste and fraud in Pharma.

Once and for all it is a lottery people. Nothing more,nothing less than a pure lottery rigged to favor a few of their favorites and an annual all expenses paid trip for leadership and their spouses. It will come to a crashing halt when it shows up in the press some day as another sign of waste and fraud in Pharma.

Yep, I can see the opening paragraph. Pharma sales representatives who do the most speaker programs and free lunches are rewarded with a luxurious all expenses paid trip to Maui. The public is going to love that one and AZ will stop this program because they hate bad publicity and bringing attention that might cause them to dig deeper like stock options and senior executives pay packages.

Yep, I can see the opening paragraph. Pharma sales representatives who do the most speaker programs and free lunches are rewarded with a luxurious all expenses paid trip to Maui. The public is going to love that one and AZ will stop this program because they hate bad publicity and bringing attention that might cause them to dig deeper like stock options and senior executives pay packages.

I can assure you that AZ could care less about bad publicity. You have to be joking. Senior pay packages only increase even n the face of profits that go down each quarter. It doesn't matter.

I can assure you that AZ could care less about bad publicity. You have to be joking. Senior pay packages only increase even n the face of profits that go down each quarter. It doesn't matter.
Next to lawsuits, AZ fears bad publicity and will sacrifice you in a New York second if your name is associated with anything considered Politically incorrect in the press. Does anyone remember the bucket of money incident when a highly rated RSD was fired within 24 hours of his careless statement showing up in the press. This guy was had been promoted several times and had exceptional performance ratings and was fired without any serious investigation and for what? Saying something in an interview published in an internal document. Trust me they will toss you out like yesterday's garbage to protect their precious jobs.

This farce was taken to a whole new level of ridiculousness when they decided that we should take reps and DSMs to fucking Barcelona. We put patients first and we prove that by fostering this horrible culture of marketing chicanery. I bet dollars to donuts that the trip never happens because it is anathema to all that we profess to believe

Bullshit for sure! There are many people going to COE that did not even win a SIP! This bullshit of reps from each region is crap and yes I am pissed about it. They should have taken the people with the top numbers straight from a list of reps that had the best rankings regardless of how many people win in one region. How could you be in the top 15 in the nation and not win COE! Shit show and it doesn't make you want to work very hard for this shit show company!

Bullshit for sure! There are many people going to COE that did not even win a SIP! This bullshit of reps from each region is crap and yes I am pissed about it. They should have taken the people with the top numbers straight from a list of reps that had the best rankings regardless of how many people win in one region. How could you be in the top 15 in the nation and not win COE! Shit show and it doesn't make you want to work very hard for this shit show company!

BTW its not the top reps in each region, it the top reps in the "area". In my area there are four regions.

I can't see how its possible you were 15th in the country and not going to COE? That's pretty jacked.

Bullshit for sure! There are many people going to COE that did not even win a SIP! This bullshit of reps from each region is crap and yes I am pissed about it. They should have taken the people with the top numbers straight from a list of reps that had the best rankings regardless of how many people win in one region. How could you be in the top 15 in the nation and not win COE! Shit show and it doesn't make you want to work very hard for this shit show company!

You might have been in the top 15 but the fact that you are on CP criticizing the company is most likely why you are not going to COE. Get it??

Soon I will be on the beach at the Ritz in Maui, drinking a drink with a little umbrella, while you useless shits fake your calls next week! It's amazing that I even one the damn thing! I won't lie, I didn't deserve it one bit! I constantly lie about calls, and have done it for years, and I still won! I mean you can't make this shit up if you had to!

God i love this stupid company!! Aloha all!! HA! HA! HA!

Thought I would give all of you losers a "Maui Update"! Headed to the beach after a great meal! What an amazing place! The coffee is amazing, pure Kona!

Keep on faking those calls, and you may one day join the Elite of the Elite like me!! Wish you were here…..well, not really losers! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

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