CNSO- Former employees need not apply


AZ laid off 50% of the CNS field force in March and is now adding new positions as overlays. The laid off individuals can not apply because of the 6 mth rehire stipulation in the lay off contract. However, AZ has stated to managers that they want the new people on board by Oct. 1st. So, if you were a former, hard working employee, you will not be eligible for these positions because you can not apply until Oct. 1st. AZ management! There is still time to change the hiring date to make former employees part of the work force again! Time to lift us up instead of dragging us down... do the right thing!


If they are interviewing former reps, then the managers are doing this off the record. Former reps' applications are not being accepted through the formal application process until after Sept. 30th. There may be a business savy manager in your area that is actually looking to rehire a former rep. Where are you getting your info?

You act as if this is the only time they will ever post a position in CNS. You can not apply until after September 30th. After that day feel free to apply. It is as simple as that. Stop making this out to be corruption. If they want you back then you will be back.

Its a nice clause that gives them the option of responding to applications or not.

Understand that now you don't work for them, they have no obligations to you, no matter how badly your feelings, and finances are hurt.

And they can continue to run the salary averages down by hiring entry level people

AZ laid off 50% of the CNS field force in March and is now adding new positions as overlays. The laid off individuals can not apply because of the 6 mth rehire stipulation in the lay off contract. However, AZ has stated to managers that they want the new people on board by Oct. 1st. So, if you were a former, hard working employee, you will not be eligible for these positions because you can not apply until Oct. 1st. AZ management! There is still time to change the hiring date to make former employees part of the work force again! Time to lift us up instead of dragging us down... do the right thing!

Really people? I can understand going back for economic hardship but I'd have exhausted every other option first before returning to AZ. I'll admit it was hard at first but I know several reps who have gotten better jobs and wouldn't ever go back including myself. Look do yourself a favor and explore every potential opportunity before going back. Life is good. You owe it to yourself to at least consider the possibility of finding something better...

Its a nice clause that gives them the option of responding to applications or not.

Understand that now you don't work for them, they have no obligations to you, no matter how badly your feelings, and finances are hurt.

And they can continue to run the salary averages down by hiring entry level people

well yeah. AZ is in cost cutting stages. It would be a smart thing to do considering some of the salaries are grossly overpaid here.

The fact that the CNSO rep position even exists shows just how stupid AZ management really is. I am a CNSO rep, and I will be the first to say that any overlay position makes no sense. XR will slip slide downward more and more each quarter. Do 't get me wrong, I am glad to have a job, but I can tell you that this can't last (CNS) too much longer with all the generic competition out there.

AZ laid off 50% of the CNS field force in March and is now adding new positions as overlays. The laid off individuals can not apply because of the 6 mth rehire stipulation in the lay off contract. However, AZ has stated to managers that they want the new people on board by Oct. 1st. So, if you were a former, hard working employee, you will not be eligible for these positions because you can not apply until Oct. 1st. AZ management! There is still time to change the hiring date to make former employees part of the work force again! Time to lift us up instead of dragging us down... do the right thing!

Do the right thing? Are you kidding me? There are lots of good people that AZ screwed out of work last January and they won't even piss on them. I know a retiree that would like to come back, but they won't even give them a chance to even get a token interview. Do the right thing my ass!

CNS expanded last year remember in August? Then in Jan many of them were let go. Now they are hiring back? Hey AZ this is real people's lives here! WTF? I can't imagine why someone would want to go back to this. Repeat after me.... Seroquel is generic.Seroquel is generic... Seroquel is generic.....

No no no advantages to write xr. My pharmacist is substituting IR generic when he gets XR scripts.

I would think really hard before even wanting to return to this piece of shit company!

I literally lost my mind, came onto cafepharma, and posted my frustration regarding the layoff...aka realignment. I was hired for the expansion and then laid off. My friend has an interview and just called me to see what I thought. I realize I actually have PTSD from AZ. While recapping my time here, I started swearing and using words most would find highly offensive. I am ashamed, not of my vocabulary, but of my brief moment of insanity when I actually thought of returning to this place. I blame it all on my former manager ... I know no one cares why... I'm done. Thanks for listening. Peace out Mofos!

I literally lost my mind, came onto cafepharma, and posted my frustration regarding the layoff...aka realignment. I was hired for the expansion and then laid off. My friend has an interview and just called me to see what I thought. I realize I actually have PTSD from AZ. While recapping my time here, I started swearing and using words most would find highly offensive. I am ashamed, not of my vocabulary, but of my brief moment of insanity when I actually thought of returning to this place. I blame it all on my former manager ... I know no one cares why... I'm done. Thanks for listening. Peace out Mofos!

Hey Porky, sounds like your meds need an adjustment.