CNS Open Territories


What territories are opening up as a result of reps leaving due to the upcoming acquisition?
How many reps have we quit so far? I know the rep that is currently ranked #1 in the country is gone. Who else?
Would be interesting to stay updated on how many territories are opening up.

The industry is dead, so what does it matter what territories are open. You should either #1 feel lucky to have a gravy train job still or #2 be looking for another sales job. I would be concentrating on the latter of the two with an emphasis in leaving the pharmacy industry.

Why don't you get a life and mind your own business? I don't think the question was a solicitation for your worthless opinion on the pharma industry or seeking your career advice. It is hard to call something dead that still employs thousands of people at a good wage. Was it overinflated for awhile? Sure. It is now correcting/adjusting itself for the future when many high drugs are going off patent. That does not translate to the industry being dead. Pharma companies are not going to stop marketing their products. It will look different but it wil be here.
If you don't like the industry or think it is dead why on earth are you spending your time on this website? If I worked in some other industry I wouldn't spend my time here. My guess is that you are jealous or a laid off former rep wondering why you are unemployed when you are so freaking smart! Maybe you aren't as smart/special as you think. No need to write back with your denial since I am sure you will say it isn't true or you have left the industry and now make more as a medical rep or something.

Why don't you get a life and mind your own business? I don't think the question was a solicitation for your worthless opinion on the pharma industry or seeking your career advice. It is hard to call something dead that still employs thousands of people at a good wage. Was it overinflated for awhile? Sure. It is now correcting/adjusting itself for the future when many high drugs are going off patent. That does not translate to the industry being dead. Pharma companies are not going to stop marketing their products. It will look different but it wil be here.
If you don't like the industry or think it is dead why on earth are you spending your time on this website? If I worked in some other industry I wouldn't spend my time here. My guess is that you are jealous or a laid off former rep wondering why you are unemployed when you are so freaking smart! Maybe you aren't as smart/special as you think. No need to write back with your denial since I am sure you will say it isn't true or you have left the industry and now make more as a medical rep or something.

I guess I hit a nerve and the original post was valid. The angry posts validates that subconciously you know I am correct. I am not trying to demean or laugh at your position. I simply hate to see good people spin their wheels and be puppets. Pharma reps are not bad people, they just work for bad people who have a very poor and greedy business model. Do yourself a favor and get out now. Cephalon is a classic case of what is coming. Generics!!

I guess I hit a nerve and the original post was valid. The angry posts validates that subconciously you know I am correct. I am not trying to demean or laugh at your position. I simply hate to see good people spin their wheels and be puppets. Pharma reps are not bad people, they just work for bad people who have a very poor and greedy business model. Do yourself a favor and get out now. Cephalon is a classic case of what is coming. Generics!!

The response wasn't at all because you hit a nerve. It is just annoying that you feel the need to post a response that has nothing to do with the question that was asked. Your response would be totally fine if you had responded to a post that was related to the industry in any way. Don't give yourself too much credit here.
Sorry to tell you but most people that work for a corporation are puppets in some way...we have managers and bosses and corporate BS that we deal with. If you have an example of any corporate structure that doesn't have that I would be surprised. If you think you are above it in some way then start your own business and then see what kind of shit you have to deal with.
This industry does have a greedy business model but unfortunately it has to be that way due to the relatively short window of time the pharma companies get to sell a drug before the generic companies can manufacture it.
If the same policies affected a company like Microsoft and other software makers could come in and reproduce an exact replica of Windows or Office after 5-10 years of their market would be WAY more expensive than it is. Pharma is a unique industry where a product that you create or own can be essentially taken from you after a few years. Anyways, it is a good discussion to have...just not intended to be a part of this post.

The response wasn't at all because you hit a nerve. It is just annoying that you feel the need to post a response that has nothing to do with the question that was asked. Your response would be totally fine if you had responded to a post that was related to the industry in any way. Don't give yourself too much credit here.
Sorry to tell you but most people that work for a corporation are puppets in some way...we have managers and bosses and corporate BS that we deal with. If you have an example of any corporate structure that doesn't have that I would be surprised. If you think you are above it in some way then start your own business and then see what kind of shit you have to deal with.
This industry does have a greedy business model but unfortunately it has to be that way due to the relatively short window of time the pharma companies get to sell a drug before the generic companies can manufacture it.
If the same policies affected a company like Microsoft and other software makers could come in and reproduce an exact replica of Windows or Office after 5-10 years of their market would be WAY more expensive than it is. Pharma is a unique industry where a product that you create or own can be essentially taken from you after a few years. Anyways, it is a good discussion to have...just not intended to be a part of this post.

Flawed logic and tired business philosophy that is taught by professors who are bought and paid for. Your MBA is tired and old and like the rest of the country you do not have the ability to think critically. Just keep drinking the kool aid and wonder why the country is in such a mess. Owning a business in this country is tough since we don't have true capitalism. The pharma industry is a classic example. Tax breaks, lawyers and patent litigation, paid for studies, etc. Save me the bullshit about short windows of time. Every business has a short window of time - other than big oil. Your example of the tech industry is ridiculous. The number one industry under constant attack by new technology and competitors and they really do have a short life span. If Pharma was true Capitalism then you would have a price reduction when three competitors enter the market in the same drug class. I have yet to see that happen. I do not mind that Pharmaceutical companies make a profit. I just hate that they lie so damn much and act like they care about patients and their employees. You can continue to stick your head up your ass and beat that tired old business drum and believe you are not part of the problem. I will face reality and try to change the system instead of getting on my knees and begging for another please. I guess the real question is what is a good forum for discussion if not Cafe Pharma and the internet. We are still in America and the last time I checked we allow freedom of speech, regardless the venue. I don't agree with your opinion, but I appreciate the fact that men and women fought and died so every American would be able to express themselves. Don't read the posts if they hit home so hard. After all you still have the freedom to turn your computer off.

Flawed logic and tired business philosophy that is taught by professors who are bought and paid for. Your MBA is tired and old and like the rest of the country you do not have the ability to think critically. Just keep drinking the kool aid and wonder why the country is in such a mess. Owning a business in this country is tough since we don't have true capitalism. The pharma industry is a classic example. Tax breaks, lawyers and patent litigation, paid for studies, etc. Save me the bullshit about short windows of time. Every business has a short window of time - other than big oil. Your example of the tech industry is ridiculous. The number one industry under constant attack by new technology and competitors and they really do have a short life span. If Pharma was true Capitalism then you would have a price reduction when three competitors enter the market in the same drug class. I have yet to see that happen. I do not mind that Pharmaceutical companies make a profit. I just hate that they lie so damn much and act like they care about patients and their employees. You can continue to stick your head up your ass and beat that tired old business drum and believe you are not part of the problem. I will face reality and try to change the system instead of getting on my knees and begging for another please. I guess the real question is what is a good forum for discussion if not Cafe Pharma and the internet. We are still in America and the last time I checked we allow freedom of speech, regardless the venue. I don't agree with your opinion, but I appreciate the fact that men and women fought and died so every American would be able to express themselves. Don't read the posts if they hit home so hard. After all you still have the freedom to turn your computer off.

Where the fuck did this come from?!

Flawed logic and tired business philosophy that is taught by professors who are bought and paid for. Your MBA is tired and old and like the rest of the country you do not have the ability to think critically. Just keep drinking the kool aid and wonder why the country is in such a mess. Owning a business in this country is tough since we don't have true capitalism. The pharma industry is a classic example. Tax breaks, lawyers and patent litigation, paid for studies, etc. Save me the bullshit about short windows of time. Every business has a short window of time - other than big oil. Your example of the tech industry is ridiculous. The number one industry under constant attack by new technology and competitors and they really do have a short life span. If Pharma was true Capitalism then you would have a price reduction when three competitors enter the market in the same drug class. I have yet to see that happen. I do not mind that Pharmaceutical companies make a profit. I just hate that they lie so damn much and act like they care about patients and their employees. You can continue to stick your head up your ass and beat that tired old business drum and believe you are not part of the problem. I will face reality and try to change the system instead of getting on my knees and begging for another please. I guess the real question is what is a good forum for discussion if not Cafe Pharma and the internet. We are still in America and the last time I checked we allow freedom of speech, regardless the venue. I don't agree with your opinion, but I appreciate the fact that men and women fought and died so every American would be able to express themselves. Don't read the posts if they hit home so hard. After all you still have the freedom to turn your computer off.

You are apparently crazy. Sure..this is a fine venue to vent. Just the wrong thread. Did you even read what the original post was before you started your ranting?
Please stop with the whole conspiracy theory that professors are bought and paid for and that the whole country can't think critically. You are probably one of those people that didn't go to college and whines that a college degree is just a piece of paper that anyone could get given the time and money.
As for the tech example, allow me enlighten you on how fucked Microsoft would be if they were under the same rules as we are. They released Windows XP back in 2001. There are still MILLIONS of people that use Windows XP and it works just fine for them. They have no need for Windows Vista or Windows 7. Therefore, if other software companies were allowed to just take that Windows XP software for free and load it onto a new PC and sell it for dramatically less money because they don't have to pay ANY licensing fees to much revenue do you think Microsoft would lose? It would be a freaking ton of money. How many consumers would pay for the 500 bucks for the latest version of Windows when they could get Windows XP loaded onto their computer for free?
Also, what lies has a pharma company told you? Name one. Did they ever say "our products are cheap and everyone can afford them?" The fact is that most Americans misunderstand what they are actually entitled to. As an American, you are NOT entitled to receive the best drugs or the best medical care available simply because you are a citizen of this country. Our country was founded on the premise that people are created equal, it doesn't say that everyone will be treated the same way regardless of their financial position and ability to pay.
Anyways...I am done with this. Good luck with whatever you are doing to change the system. I hope that works out for you.

You are apparently crazy. Sure..this is a fine venue to vent. Just the wrong thread. Did you even read what the original post was before you started your ranting?
Please stop with the whole conspiracy theory that professors are bought and paid for and that the whole country can't think critically. You are probably one of those people that didn't go to college and whines that a college degree is just a piece of paper that anyone could get given the time and money.
As for the tech example, allow me enlighten you on how fucked Microsoft would be if they were under the same rules as we are. They released Windows XP back in 2001. There are still MILLIONS of people that use Windows XP and it works just fine for them. They have no need for Windows Vista or Windows 7. Therefore, if other software companies were allowed to just take that Windows XP software for free and load it onto a new PC and sell it for dramatically less money because they don't have to pay ANY licensing fees to much revenue do you think Microsoft would lose? It would be a freaking ton of money. How many consumers would pay for the 500 bucks for the latest version of Windows when they could get Windows XP loaded onto their computer for free?
Also, what lies has a pharma company told you? Name one. Did they ever say "our products are cheap and everyone can afford them?" The fact is that most Americans misunderstand what they are actually entitled to. As an American, you are NOT entitled to receive the best drugs or the best medical care available simply because you are a citizen of this country. Our country was founded on the premise that people are created equal, it doesn't say that everyone will be treated the same way regardless of their financial position and ability to pay.
Anyways...I am done with this. Good luck with whatever you are doing to change the system. I hope that works out for you.

Well said! That guy's a douche.

You are apparently crazy. Sure..this is a fine venue to vent. Just the wrong thread. Did you even read what the original post was before you started your ranting?
Please stop with the whole conspiracy theory that professors are bought and paid for and that the whole country can't think critically. You are probably one of those people that didn't go to college and whines that a college degree is just a piece of paper that anyone could get given the time and money.
As for the tech example, allow me enlighten you on how fucked Microsoft would be if they were under the same rules as we are. They released Windows XP back in 2001. There are still MILLIONS of people that use Windows XP and it works just fine for them. They have no need for Windows Vista or Windows 7. Therefore, if other software companies were allowed to just take that Windows XP software for free and load it onto a new PC and sell it for dramatically less money because they don't have to pay ANY licensing fees to much revenue do you think Microsoft would lose? It would be a freaking ton of money. How many consumers would pay for the 500 bucks for the latest version of Windows when they could get Windows XP loaded onto their computer for free?
Also, what lies has a pharma company told you? Name one. Did they ever say "our products are cheap and everyone can afford them?" The fact is that most Americans misunderstand what they are actually entitled to. As an American, you are NOT entitled to receive the best drugs or the best medical care available simply because you are a citizen of this country. Our country was founded on the premise that people are created equal, it doesn't say that everyone will be treated the same way regardless of their financial position and ability to pay.
Anyways...I am done with this. Good luck with whatever you are doing to change the system. I hope that works out for you.

Convenient that you left out the information about Microsoft's law suits and investigation by the Justice Department. Interesting, but it points to your business philosophies and ethics. By the way - what venue is appropriate to talk about these issues. The original thread said open CNS territories and the person who posted commented about this issue. People like you are killing this country because you can't think critically and you take orders without asking questions. I don't give a crap if you are done with this thread or your job. I care that people start to think and hopefully save this country. This is a great venue since the majority of you are programmed rats who jump at the drop of a manager or executives hat. Think and quit vomiting the industry/company lines. By the way - you really are naive if you believe business schools and professors are not bought and paid for. Wake the hell up and hopefully your pea sized brain will expand so you can think for yourself. After reading some of your thoughts - I doubt it.