Looking for info on following:
After phone interview for Q CNS /Janssen position received email Sun. 11/11 w/instructions and info of where face to face interviews would be (if moving forward) for each city and links for info to prepare. Also told phone interviews and assessments still taking place but that recruiter would be in touch on Monday 11/12/12.
Has anyone received info as of Monday and can you share what type- face to face, assessment or rejection?
Thank you.
After phone interview for Q CNS /Janssen position received email Sun. 11/11 w/instructions and info of where face to face interviews would be (if moving forward) for each city and links for info to prepare. Also told phone interviews and assessments still taking place but that recruiter would be in touch on Monday 11/12/12.
Has anyone received info as of Monday and can you share what type- face to face, assessment or rejection?
Thank you.