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CNE Position


So what is the deal with the open CNE positions? Wasn't there just a downsizing in this area?

It's called growth and comeback. New CEO, New Leadership, New Products, New Vision and the prospects for a very bright future are getting closer every day. Those who doubted the long-term plan at Teva will be sorry they bailed so soon. We will be a lean mean fighting machine in the years to come. We are also poised to be a great fit with all the current legislation coming down from Capital Hill, around branded and generic price controls soon to be instituted during the Trump administration. Look out, we are back. If you have the background and experience as a CNE, come on and apply. The ramp up for these expanded roles will be taking place during June. Be part of this great movement!!!!

It's called growth and comeback. New CEO, New Leadership, New Products, New Vision and the prospects for a very bright future are getting closer every day. Those who doubted the long-term plan at Teva will be sorry they bailed so soon. We will be a lean mean fighting machine in the years to come. We are also poised to be a great fit with all the current legislation coming down from Capital Hill, around branded and generic price controls soon to be instituted during the Trump administration. Look out, we are back. If you have the background and experience as a CNE, come on and apply. The ramp up for these expanded roles will be taking place during June. Be part of this great movement!!!!
Way to sell it, Troy!

It's called growth and comeback. New CEO, New Leadership, New Products, New Vision and the prospects for a very bright future are getting closer every day. Those who doubted the long-term plan at Teva will be sorry they bailed so soon. We will be a lean mean fighting machine in the years to come. We are also poised to be a great fit with all the current legislation coming down from Capital Hill, around branded and generic price controls soon to be instituted during the Trump administration. Look out, we are back. If you have the background and experience as a CNE, come on and apply. The ramp up for these expanded roles will be taking place during June. Be part of this great movement!!!!

Agree your pipeline is amazing. You folks have almost figured out how to actually produce your 3rd to market migraine drug.

Why all the hate for Troy. He has done a great job despite all we've been through the last 2 years. The man would give you the shirt off his back and he is all the right reasons why Teva will get through all this crap. Just wish we had more leaders like him.

Completely agree, our previous leadership is what drove this company into the ground. At least we got a shot at turning things around now.

I needed a good laugh on this Monday.

Pipeline? Lmao
Branded Products? Lmao
3rd to Market Migraine Drug? Only if we get lucky, more like 4th or sold

Yep the future is bright. Why would anyone consider leaving this top ranked company? Remind me where on the list of Top 500 places to work are we? Lmao

I needed a good laugh on this Monday.

Pipeline? Lmao
Branded Products? Lmao
3rd to Market Migraine Drug? Only if we get lucky, more like 4th or sold

Yep the future is bright. Why would anyone consider leaving this top ranked company? Remind me where on the list of Top 500 places to work are we? Lmao

Agreed, that's why I posted it, to draw out idiots like you who are still there????
Just keep hanging on and you will see where you end up once your severance runs out, if you're even lucky to get one.

Why all the hate for Troy. He has done a great job despite all we've been through the last 2 years. The man would give you the shirt off his back and he is all the right reasons why Teva will get through all this crap. Just wish we had more leaders like him.
Wonderboy Troy WAS the leadership through the past number of years— and look where he led us. Arguably all love talk but no backbone to immediately stop the joke direct report who reported to him and who enjoyed making recommendations for female employees to have reconstructive surgery. He knew it was going on, and let the guy stay on for years. Shameful. He can tell you all about it.