CMS cuts 88305 technical component by 52%


For 2013, CMS just cut the 88305 technical component (TC) by 52%, which translates into a 33% cut in the global bill for the 88305 biopsy. The 88305 biopsy is the foundation of Miraca's entire business.

This company is a house of cards. Take your current salary, subtract 52% and this number will be your projected salary for 2013 (if the company still exists by the end of 2013).

For 2013, CMS just cut the 88305 technical component (TC) by 52%, which translates into a 33% cut in the global bill for the 88305 biopsy. The 88305 biopsy is the foundation of Miraca's entire business.

This company is a house of cards. Take your current salary, subtract 52% and this number will be your projected salary for 2013 (if the company still exists by the end of 2013).

Just to recap - the Japanese were told this was possibly going to happen, and their response plan was to: (1) Use a consulting firm with no AP lab experience to develop a growth strategy (2) put TZ in charge of products - an inept fool with only a huge ego and no skill (3) hire a dentist CEO from Australia to run the company - after he had bankrupted two previous companies (4) fire the head of sales, who actually had a plan to address this, and (5) put the CEO's buddy, who has no knowledge or experience in the industry, in charge of sales.

I ask you, what could possibly go wrong with their plan?

No one said the japs were smart. The yen was strong for them when they bought the ap business. Th dentist is banking on mu b/c he has no idea what the right thing to execute is. Everyone needs a check and will blow smoke up your ass to get one.