Clutching at straws or wishful thinking...?

Did anyone pick up on the fact that with so many lives on the brink, the company spends 200 million to buy another start-up?

It's funny how reps are unable to see the big picture beyond complaining about their cell phone and car wash budgets. The company needs revenue streams. What can the reps sell going forward if Eisai doesn't have any drugs? Do you think the company should just pay reps to sell nothing. The entitlement of pharma reps is really funny considering the value of reps has been proven to be marginal at best.

to poster 3-- and the value of DMs have proven to be even less than the reps... you guys do not sell anything, therefore you are a liability.

This is poster 3. I couldn't agree with you more. I am not a DM. I'm actually a new rep new to the industry. I think it's funny how instead of disagreeing with my comment, you try to deflect the focus and say DM's are even more useless than us (reps).

It's funny how reps are unable to see the big picture beyond complaining about their cell phone and car wash budgets. The company needs revenue streams. What can the reps sell going forward if Eisai doesn't have any drugs? Do you think the company should just pay reps to sell nothing. The entitlement of pharma reps is really funny considering the value of reps has been proven to be marginal at best.

The fact that you are new exempts you (sort of) from your stupidity.

Eisai has done nothing but make HORRIFIC strategic choices in their acquisitions, co-promotion agreements, and research and development. The fact that reps are marginal at best is irrelevant. The way that Eisai continues to make terrible business decisions ensures that this company will bankrupt itself regardless of its sales force...

"instead of disagreeing with my comment, you try to deflect the focus and say DM's are"

Poster 5-- and why do I need to agree or disagree with you?? I just pointed out that it is not just the reps that useless, but so are the dms and even more so.. actually come to think of it-- the RD are even more useless than the DMs. As a matter of fact -- this whole industry is useless and generics will soon be "the Gold Standard"


Poster 7 you are correct. But the wheels on the bus go round and round. So people and companies WASTE money on things they don't need. People buy bread makers and companies hire more reps when times are good. They don't do much of anything except what the owners or leaders tell them to do. Put in shitty ingredients for the bread you get shitty bread. Put in shitty ingredients (marketing, managers) for salespeople (which should be called marketing people) you get shitty salespeople.

If you don't understand the bread maker it's because most people don't use them after they buy them.

Basically this was a horse that many of us have ridden for a pretty good while. Well the horse is about to throw us off. Just hopefully we can find another horse to ride.


The fact that you are new exempts you (sort of) from your stupidity.

Eisai has done nothing but make HORRIFIC strategic choices in their acquisitions, co-promotion agreements, and research and development. The fact that reps are marginal at best is irrelevant. The way that Eisai continues to make terrible business decisions ensures that this company will bankrupt itself regardless of its sales force...

I totally agree with you. Eisai's mission was to build a premiere oncology company, so they hired management from outside Eisai without oncology experience (LM) and then promote OB and RSDs and DMs from primary care with no oncology experience. Makes perfectly good sense, huh? Just waiting for the axe to fall.

Poster #6 if you are right, how is management still in place? There has to be more to it, or they would have been fired a long time ago. Japan is not that stupid. There are facts we don't know.

poster 10- they must have different evaluation criteria for all of mgt execs than they do for reps- that would be the only reason they are still here. Also, we dont know who is actually making all these decisions- it could actually be Japan.

Look at all the Big pharma companies sales decling, yet the ceo.s are still making million $$ paychecks and still there. j&J comes to mind