Closing down the Hayward office


The rumors are flying that they will finally let the cat out of the bag and tell the people in the Hayward office that they are shutting it down. There is a meeting at 3:00 pm PST tomorrow. Should be interesting to hear how they spin this on Friday's "big" call.

Because they have learned from all of their past colossal failures, that every single time they've attempted ANYTHING....... They need to send out a correction, an addendum, an extension, a retraction, an explaination (but NEVER EVER an apology) to try to cover their asses.
They have already anticipated they will screw this up, so have carved out ahead of time a call to try and fix it after the fact. It's the Mallinckrodt way

First the stock dumps, devaluing my options package with OVER $50k of fucking losses
Then they pull perks and cars
I now longer have an office with dickhead telling me I have to move my whole fucking family or find another place to work
and now theyve boned us on bonuses despite company stock growing

fuck you MT, all of the senior staff and especially the board of directors! fuck you with a rusty spiked club up your mother fucking assess.


Signed hayward admin and msl teams - fucking cock sucker!

Everyone in that "heartland" Malli office is a bunch of dumb ass "Stepford" wives . Before you.can make a decision,you have to ask permission and clear it from 50 people.No one there can think for themselves. Worst company ever..backstabbing ,no biz sense St. Louis Malli....lmfao...btw and that "decision" making process includes going to the bathroom! Should I go..can I go? I better ask Hugh or Tim to see if I can

Everyone in that "heartland" Malli office is a bunch of dumb ass "Stepford" wives . Before you.can make a decision,you have to ask permission and clear it from 50 people.No one there can think for themselves. Worst company ever..backstabbing ,no biz sense St. Louis Malli....lmfao...btw and that "decision" making process includes going to the bathroom! Should I go..can I go? I better ask Hugh or Tim to see if I can

Corn fed 'Stepford Wives', quite the attractive bunch with brains to boot (please note the sarcasm)

I feel sorry for all the people in Hayward that will likely have to take the crappy standard 8 week severance package and mnk can't even execute that efficiently. Worst company ever and the fact managing complexity is their slogan is just too comical for words.

In the heartland we often wonder about how strange the Hay Weird crowd is. We carry their sorry "manana" assess and they still complain

be glad you got options

I can see how you would think that a relatively small group of people could turn an old product, that has scant data into a billion dollar a year drug would seem weird to you. Success must be such a foreign concept to you all in the heartland.
No need to worry about 'carrying our asses'. We are laughing all the way to the bank with our options and RSUs. Albeit, should of been more $$, but since MNK has been 'carrying' us, we all know how that has gone.
Thanks again for tanking the stock and managing all that complexity. Keep up the good work, while all us weirdos take our money and move on to greener pastures.