Clocks in AR7


What's up with removing all the clocks in AR7??? Are they trying to trick us into not realizing how late it is so we stay later than we already do? Or do they really think we'll use them for testing? If they think we're 5 then they should hire 5 year olds!

Just do your job and stop watching the clocks. That's the most underutilized bldg on site with the laziest people so I wouldn't bring anymore attention to yourselves than you already have.

What's up with removing all the clocks in AR7??? Are they trying to trick us into not realizing how late it is so we stay later than we already do? Or do they really think we'll use them for testing? If they think we're 5 then they should hire 5 year olds!

Them wallet carrying woman are the issue, it is triple trouble