Sure, having 3 sales forces instead of one in Obama land makes a world of sense. Look at National and Regional labs, ONE sales force , and sometimes a specialty rep to help. Boy we love to spend money.

Show of hands, how many are happy.

This is Bullshit, after so many years look what happens! This is for the stock holders. They actually think this is going to help them grow. We have families and obligations. It doesn't matter to them.
Do they think that specializing is going to be the answer? They think that they own the business and where are you going to go? unhappy reps are not good for the company! does anyone understand what i am saying?

Loud and clear, I agree totally. Most reps are afraid to talk, they fear for their jobs. But this is the only way to convey how we feel. I have to believe upper management looks at this.

It seems management doesn't the battles we face on a daily basis

Management has no idea what we face, from the very successful to the average rep. They think that they need growth, and wow we have this great idea how we are going to "knock the cover off the ball" and grow for our shareholders. Does management actually think that they knocked on the doors and took the phone calls, established long lasting relationships and paving new relationships?
What they think is that they own the business and we are all little pawns in their game and quest for growth. Well people, sometimes what happens is they step in front of a speeding locomotive and stop it. Well, does anyone know how hard it is and how much power it takes to get the locomotive moving again?
This is what is going on! But what can we do i ask? share your comments, this is a great forum to do so.
For anyone reading this, realize one thing, most of us are people who have made good money, we have families and we need to stand up, be vocal, and fight for our way of life!!!
Are their any people out their who have strong feelings about this?

Yeah, the expectations at Bio are high, sometimes unrealistic. But I have worked with several labs and lab people in one capacity or the other over the last 15 years or so. And believe me, nobody on the outside is laughing. BRLI is the envy of the industry with their unsurpassed, consistent growth rate and innovation they have delivered time and time again. They aren't perfect. They can sometimes be brutal. But nobody offers the career and financial potential that is possible, maybe not likely for many outside the NE corridor, that Bio does.