Slander is something that is false. I've seen the training first hand. They are not capable of teaching green reps CRM. Sorry. That's a fact. At least the big 3 have in the past done this, meaning when we were growing as an industry and taking people from the car lot to an IBHRE certified rep. How many "home grown" CCDS does Biotronik have? Any reps certified there, were trained at the big 3. I would bet less than 10 people were brought up in BIO are certified and reality is more like 4. Just saying. How is that one rep you have for the Dakotas who doesn't implant? How about the 2 reps for the whole state of Minnesota? How are those skills? Reps that haven't seen a Bi v go in, in 5 years? How about the reps in a city like Chicago who get a pacemaker here and there? How is their knowledge of youre delivery tools? Can the even tell you how to flush them? They guys in ST. Louis may be good for pacers but how many have the IBHRE. So on top of making a point that Bio isn't a good place to get your feet wet and trained well, I've made the point that old useless reps go there to die with their old useless implanting cardiologists. Let's look at major teaching institutions. How many are implanting you're devices? Not many.