Clear Background checks?

I submitted my "consumer Release Form" late Friday and haven't hears anything yet. I'm hopeful becuase of the long weekend. I just want to know how it works.
1 - pre-interview screen/test (have to pass or you cannot get job with Lilly - period.
-if passed -
may be selected for phone interview
2 - phone interview
-if pased -
may be movd forard for face to face
3 - Panel Interview
4 - Speak with RD informal setting after interview. Also speak with HR about territory specifics
5 - Received consumer release form four days after f2f. Filled in and faxed immediately. What does this mean. Will I get an offer? Will I have to interiew again?

I hope your background check passes and you get an offer, I really do. However, please know that Lilly uses a 3rd party to conduct all the hiring. They are called The Right Thing.

Speaking from experience, The Right Thing will take the process as far as it can just to bill Eli Lilly. I have passed their background checks in the passed, had my references contacted, only to be told later that an internal candidate accepted the position weeks before.

It is evident that The Right Thing, and companies like them, are in the business to interview as many people as possible, charge for background checks, and BILL, BILL, BILL, even if the position is already filled. There is somethings glaringly unethical about this process. Please don't take it personally.

in same boat - passed phone screen, online test, face to face, consumer release and no word.

I'll post if I hear anything else. Anyone else please do the same. I am not sure if an offer is next step (unless position is filled already) or if another interview is the next step. Would love to know the process

I agree! Passed, f2f, background check and was told position had been filled weeks earlier. I learned real quick not to get your hopes up in this industry. You will be let down.

I would also love some feedback. ie, how long does the process take. I went through interview process, received an offer, it was sent to me via UPS, I signed everything, took the drug screen, and am now waiting for confirmation that everything went ok. I have good credit, good references, don't do drugs, etc.

I guess what I want to know is how long does it take for someone who has an offer to get the background check done?

If you were sent an official offer, signed and returned it, and have completed everything as requested, I'd not stress.

Anything less than a signed offer letter is really equivalent to nothing. Interviews and background check requests mean nothing without an official written offer.

I would also love some feedback. ie, how long does the process take. I went through interview process, received an offer, it was sent to me via UPS, I signed everything, took the drug screen, and am now waiting for confirmation that everything went ok. I have good credit, good references, don't do drugs, etc.

I guess what I want to know is how long does it take for someone who has an offer to get the background check done?

Approximately 4 -6 weeks. But if you have applied to some other place and also have an offer, you just call Lilly to take of their attention from using cialis and respond to your need.
This could be answered in 3 to 5 days.

One problem though, you have to be under 35 (M), or above 35(F) with atleast 7 years of experience. Your force retirement age will be 45 years, so do not go gung-ho and buy Hummer or Lamborghini,until you leave Lilly. Oh,do not buy a house or rent near downtown.

Good luck and make money for John Lechleiter.

I would also love some feedback. ie, how long does the process take. I went through interview process, received an offer, it was sent to me via UPS, I signed everything, took the drug screen, and am now waiting for confirmation that everything went ok. I have good credit, good references, don't do drugs, etc.

I guess what I want to know is how long does it take for someone who has an offer to get the background check done?

I was wondering what division you interviewed for? How long after you interviewed did you receive an offer? I recently went thru the interview process as well and was wondering how quickly the process took to hear something?