This is the perfect opportunity to clean out the trash at Biomet (Mr. Golden?). You have alot to choose from. Start with Jack Heeter (personnel director). His lies and stalking tatics are horrific (even go through past questionable dismissals). Next look at some of the leaders that have a high rate of employee turn over under their management (Katrina Manwaring). Their Hitler mentality and control tactics will ruin moral at Zimmers as it has Biomet. Just go to Biomets blogs and look at the posts. The consortium owners under Jeff Binders leadership closed numerous companies and quietly placed many hundreds on the unemployment line. Look at these former locations :Ontario California facility, Redding California facility, New Jersey facility, Fairlawn Oklahoma facility,so many more internationally. Then they get tax abatement's based on employment that never produce the numbers required and you tax payers need to make our county directors and state representatives accountable.