Classless mob Occupiers

I support the right of anyone to peacefully protest and I'm encouraged that more and more people who have been bystanders to our governmental system are waking up, on both sides. However, there is no mistaking that these protesters are the far, far, left. They want socialism, everyone to earn the same, have the same, no matter their individual efforts or sacrifices. While it appears the majority are trying to have thier voice heard, they are quickly being taken over by the fringe element that is disgusting and violent. Pelosi can continue to rant about imagined 'spitting' but there was nothing like this from the tea party. Not arrests, not filth that someone else had to clean up, no need for pepper spray, and no violence. We saw who the far left was during the union discussions in WIsconsin, and the total trashing of buildings. This group shows no restraint, no respect, and no personal responsibility. Don't miss, though, that this is exactly the result obama, pelosi, and reid have been going for. This is the call for a redistribution of wealth that obama let slip during the campaigns. This is the result of his incorrect and misguided cries over the past three years of the rich needing to pay their 'fair share'. No matter what the truth really is, this is what those who have done nothing to earn it, but want it all, will believe.
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Reminds me of the hippie thing. Let's hope something culturally inspiring like group nudity and free love comes out of it. Those were the best of times. :cool: